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Animal Science

Programme's language


Qualification degree and (or) qualification to be awarded

Master of Agricultural sciences

Institution that has performed accreditation, accreditation term

Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras, 10/31/2023

Data provided or updated (date)


Order on accreditation

More about programme

Institution title

Lithuanian University of Health Sciences

Institution title in Lithuanian

Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetas

Institution code of legal entity


Institution legal form

Public Institution

Institution documents of founding


Institution group

Higher education institution

Institution subordination


Main type and other types


Institution address

Kaunas, A. Mickevičiaus g. 9, LT-44307

Institution phone

+370 37 327201

Institution fax

+370 37 220733

Institution email

Institution web address

Phone of admission office

+370 686 10217

Email of admission office

Institution funding sources

National budget, Other legaly acquired finances, Shairholders contributions, State financial funds

Institution main type description

Awarded Lithuanian National Qualifications Framework levels:
Level 6, Level 7
Issued certificate levels:
Bachelor's diploma, Master's diploma, Certificate of Residency
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Summary of the Profile of study programme

General Description: Objective(s) of a study programme: Prepare highly qualified Animal Science specialists with extensive knowledge, capable of applying an interdisciplinary approach comprehensively for the organizing and managing activities within the livestock business sector while implementing the latest science-based technologies to ensure the One Health concept's principles, which involves deep understanding of the human-animal-environment interaction and its influence on societal well-being. Learning outcomes: Highly qualified Animal Science specialists should be able to: · Apply an interdisciplinary approach comprehensively and utilize acquired knowledge for organizing and managing activities within the livestock business sector; · Implement the latest science-based technologies to livestock business sector to ensure the principles of the One Health concept, analyzing the impact of the human-animal-environment relationship on societal well-being; · Adapt skills and knowledge and have the ability to initiate, develop, and implement innovative technological solutions in the livestock business sector; · Carry out their activities independently and/or as part of a team in professional practice and/or continue their career in the third cycle of studies (studies of the doctoral degree). Activities of teaching and learning: Lectures; Interactive Activities; Seminars; Laboratory and Practical Work; Exercises; Discussions; Case Studies; Reflection; Problem-based Learning; Consultations; Simulations; Practice in Agricultural Companies; Individual and

Team Work. Methods of student achievement assessment: Exam; Colloquium; Defense of Practical Work; Interactive Test; Coursework; Control Work; Practice Report; Defense of Master Thesis. Framework: Study subjects (modules), practical training: Animal Biotechnology; Livestock Business; Animal Welfare and Environmental Protection in Agriculture; Ecological Livestock Farming; Public Administration of Agricultural Development; Professional Communication; Scientific Research Work; Internship. Specializations: The specialization consists of 15 ECTS credits. Students choose one of the listed specializations: Dairy Farm Management; Beef Cattle Farm Management; Farm Management of Small Ruminants; Stud Management; Pig Farm Management; Poultry Farm Management; Aquaculture Farm Management; Apiary Management; Development of Alternative Animal Husbandry. Optional courses: Among the mandatory subjects of the Master's program in Animal Science, optional courses include 12 ECTS credits (10% of the total program ECTS), meaning 2 subjects of 6 ECTS credits each for every semester. These subjects are constantly updated, according to relevance for livestock business sector. Distinctive features of a study programme: The Animal Science study program is designed to prepare highly knowledgeable specialists in animal science, capable of understanding the challenges of biodiversity and environmental conservation, the complexity of human-animal-environment interaction, and the social and economic factors affecting them. Taking into account rapidly changing global trends, the program focuses on animal welfare and health, the peculiarities of organizing and managing the livestock business sector, and integrates fundamental knowledge with the latest achievements in animal science within the context of the One Health concept.

Access to professional activity or further study: Access to professional activity: In the ministries of the Republic of Lithuania (Agriculture, Environment, Health, etc.) and their departments; advisory services; companies in the livestock business sector; companies processing raw materials of the animal origin; companies producing, importing, exporting, and distributing nutritional and medicinal substances for livestock business sector; establishing and managing their own businesses; pursuing a scientific and/or pedagogical career at universities, etc. Access to further study: Continue studies of the doctoral degree in Agricultural Sciences Animal Sciences area.