| Group of study field: Agricultural Sciences (17) (Continued on the next page) |
| | Field of studies: Agriculture (4) |
| |
Study programme: |
Agribusiness Technologies |
Institution title: |
Vilniaus kolegija / Higher Education Institution |
Summary of the programme profile: |
Objective(s) of a study programme:
To prepare highly qualified professional bachelors of agriculture for agricultural production and infrastructure companies, who are able to select plant and animal production technologies for various farming systems applying rational use of resources, who have the knowledge in economics and management, are able to manage agricultural technologies, develop and build a competitive, sustainable agribusiness, and who are ready for personal and professional development.
Learning outcomes:
Graduates will be able to:
1. Explain biological characteristics of the plant, development regularities, plant growing conditions, the importance of maintaining soil fertility, plant nutrition processes.
2. Describe biological and economic characteristics of different farm animal species, as well as genetics, breeding, housing, hygiene, welfare and farm animal nutrition technology.
3. Apply precision farming technologies in plant cultivation and use GIS systems and databases.
4. Explain the production, treatment, storage and processing of food raw materials.
5. Apply the theoretical knowledge and models of the social sciences in professional activities.
6. Apply the knowledge of the common agricultural policy and its objectives in the field of agriculture and rural development challenges oriented to the European Union (EU) strategy.
7. Analyze, evaluate economic data and apply the results of the data analysis for decision making and action planning.
8. Analyze plant and animal production quality testing and quality control results.
9. Select innovative plant and animal production technologies for different farming systems; conserve existing natural resources and biodiversity.
10. Evaluate crop yield formation principles and patterns.
11. Manage plant and animal production storage, the initial processing and preparation for sale and choose suitable raw material and modern equipment when implementing food technologies.
12. Evaluate processes and results of economic activity of agribusiness, select marketing strategies and models for agricultural products.
13. Use farm management software to acquire data, store it, process, analyze and use in farm business planning.
14. Plan, organize and control the activities of agricultural entities, main agricultural production processes, foresee and select financing sources, types of credit, investment (innovation) agricultural or rural development projects.
15. Communicate and collaborate in different communication situations, present argumentative ideas during consultations.
16. Formulate the issue, set a goal and make rational decisions.
17. Use the scientific literature, guidelines and legislation, analyze and apply them in practice.
18. Work independently and in a team, solve problems, make decisions and submit proposals on agricultural business management.
Activities of teaching and learning:
Lectures, practical classes, laboratory work, instructional literature analysis, task solving, preparation and presentation of the literature review, course projects, self-study assignments, professional practice, final thesis project.
Methods of assessment of learning achievements:
Cumulative assessment is applied. Certain learning outcomes foreseen by the curriculum are assessed by components of the cumulative assessment. Each subject or module is completed with the final examination or the evaluation of the student's individual work (project). The final grade consists of the cumulative assessment components, which are indicated in the curriculum of the study subject (e.g. intermediate settlements, self-study assignments, examination). The percentage of the final grade is indicated in the curriculum of the study subject.
Study subjects (modules), practical training:
General college-level study subjects (18 credits): Professional Foreign Language; Basics of Communication; Applied Mathematics and Informatics.
Study field subjects (110 credits): Soil Science; Agricultural Chemistry and Analysis; Plant Pathology and Protection; Plant Breeding and Seed Production; Plant Nutrition; Horticulture; Genetics and Breeding of Farm Animals; Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals; Housing and Hygiene of Farm Animals; Farm Animal Nutrition and Fodder Accountancy; Agricultural Machinery; Agricultural Product Quality, Storage and Processing Simulations; Basics of Economics; Marketing and Market Research; Agricultural Business Management; Horticulture and Animal Husbandry Production Economy; Agricultural Policy and Agricultural Law; Accounting and Taxes; Agricultural Market and Trade in Agricultural Products; Research Methodology and Applied Statistics; Meat Product Technology / Bread Baking Technology; Biotechnology in Horticulture and Animal Husbandry.
Practices (32 credits): Farm Management Software; Agrochemical; Agrochemistry and Field Practice; Professional; Final.
Optional courses:
Organic Farming; Biodynamic Farming; Horse Breeding and Rearing Foals; Beekeeping; Gardening; Renewable Resources and Energy Crops.
Distinctive features of a study programme:
Students are encouraged to improve professional skills in practice, and get the possibility to develop special skills by choosing
Access to professional activity or further studies:
Access to professional activity:
You will be able to work in international agricultural business structures, agriculture-related state and non-governmental organisations, agricultural raw material processing companies, agricultural businesses, agricultural advisory institutions, or start a personal business.
Access to professional activity or further studies:
Access to professional activity:
You will be able to work in international agricultural business structures, agriculture-related state and non-governmental organisations, agricultural raw material processing companies, agricultural businesses, agricultural advisory institutions, or start a personal business.
Access to further studies:
Access to the second cycle studies upon meeting requirements set by the accepting higher education institution.
Duration in credits, form and duration: |
180 Full-time - 3 (metais) |
Field of education: |
Agriculture |
Sub-sector of education: |
Crop and livestock production |
Study programme national code: |
6531IX004 |
| |
Study programme: |
Agribusiness Technologies |
Institution title: |
Kauno kolegija / Higher Education Institution |
Summary of the programme profile: |
General Description:
Objective(s) of a study programme:
The aim of the programme is to prepare professional bachelors of agricultural sciences who are able to plan, organize and manage the activity of specialized farm in accordance with the principles of sustainable farming, to select and implement plant growing and animal husbandry technologies, to organize realization of agricultural production, to assure the quality of agricultural products, to establish an enterprise and to apply creatively to the changes of the labor market.
Learning outcomes:
1. Possess knowledge and abilities required to make rational decisions to create agribusiness and solve technological tasks.
2. Grasp general agricultural policy, the legal framework related to the planning of agricultural territories, the implementation of agricultural activities and rural development projects.
3. Analyse technologies applied in crop production and livestock farms and provide suggestions for the improvement of the activities of agricultural entities and for implementation of innovations.
4. Evaluate the environment of agricultural businesses and business establishment (development) possibilities;
5. Plan and organise continuous work process in a specialised enterprise to organise agricultural production storage, to assure quality and diversify realisation.
6. Collect and analyse farm data, use computer farm management programmes to plan and organise sustainable farm activities.
7. Select applied research methods and methodologies for conducting applied research, experiments / tests.
8. Apply specialised laboratory equipment and software to solve the problems of agricultural product quality and sustainable farm management.
9. Evaluate the environment of horticultural and agricultural business and product market and assess the competitive environment and product market in this business sector.
10. Analyse measures for the protection, management, propagation, creation or renewal of planting, and model planting design.
11. Identify insurance risks and evaluate insurance product indicators, carry out client service process.
12. Develop a holistic approach to conserve natural resources through the adoption of socially responsible and cost-effective professional decisions.
13. Develop abilities necessary for planning labour time, constant professional development, innovation search and readiness for life-long learning.
14. Present team and individual projects, works and ideas, understand the impact of agricultural activities on society and sustainable environment, demonstrate independence, constantly improve qualifications and adhere to the norms of professional ethics.
Activities of teaching and learning:
Explanation, seminar, discussion, case study, integrated self-study project, course projects, practical works, professional activity practices, applied research, scientific literature analysis, articles.
Methods of assessment of learning achievements:
Write an exam, testing with closed and / or open tasks, report and defense of internships and laboratory work, report of self-study or team course paper, written work and oral presentations, professional bachelor thesis and its defense.
Study subjects (modules), practical training:
General subjects of study – 15 credits:
Creativity and Entrepreneurship, Mathematics and Information Technology, Professional Language.
Subjects of the study field – 135 credits:
Livestock Technologies, Agroecology and Environmental Protection, Agriculture, Crop Production Technologies, Agricultural Engineering and Safety, Methodology of Applied Research, Basics of Landscape Planning, Agricultural Chemistry, Plants Protection, Apiculture, Smart Farming, Horticultural and Olericultural Technologies, reenhouse Horticultural Technologies, Crop Products Storage and Quality Control, Marketing and Trade of Agricultural and Food Products, Physiology of Plants, Agricultural Economics and Accounting, Plannning and Organisation of Agricultural Business, Basics of Law, Plant Selection and Seed Production, Risk Management in Agrarian Sector.
Practical Training – 33 credits:
Educational-Introductory Practice of Crop and Livestock Production, Internship of Agricultural Production Mechanization and Automation, Internship of Horticultural and Olericultural Technologies, Complex Internship of Agribusiness Development, Final Professional Internship.
Professional Bachelor Thesis – 11 credits.
1. Specialisation. Horticulture and Gardening Marketable Production – 21 credits:
Production Management of Garden and Kitchen Garden Products, Garden and Kitchen Garden Plant Protection, Garden and Kitchen Garden Product Quality and Its Control, Mechanisation of Horticultural and Olericultural Works, Specialisation Internship 1.
2. Specialisation. Planting design – 21 credits:
Floriculture Technology, Plant Protection, Dendrology Technology, Green Areas Project, Specialisation Internship 2.
3. Specialisation. Agrarian Sector Insurance – 21 credits: Insurance Service Market, Insurance Service and Product Sales, Organisation of Insurance Activities, Insurance Service Management, Specialisation Internship 3.
Optional courses:
Optional courses subjects – 9 credits:
Water Management, Business of Viticulture, Agro-Innovations and Food Technology, From the List of Freely Elective Courses offered by KK.
Distinctive features of a study programme:
Studies are student – centred, based on specific practical tasks, applying the latest technologies; also based on teamwork, problem solving, basics of actual practical skills and research, promoting professional thinking, and rational application of theoretical knowledge in practice.
Access to professional activity or further study:
Access to professional activity:
The graduates will be able to work in the agribusiness sector, agricultural commodity production and processing enterprises, agricultural related private, state and non-governmental organizations, agricultural advisory institutions, to establish and develop their own farms.
Access to further study:
Graduates who have completed supplementary studies or requirements set by the higher school of education have the right to study upon the second cycle master's degree programme in Lithuanian or foreign universities. |
Duration in credits, form and duration: |
180 Full-time - 3 (metais) |
Field of education: |
Agriculture |
Sub-sector of education: |
Crop and livestock production |
Study programme national code: |
6531IX008 |
| |
Study programme: |
Agricultural Technology |
Institution title: |
Utena College |
Summary of the programme profile: |
General Description:
Objective(s) of a study programme:
To train a highly qualified specialist, a Professional Bachelor of Foodstuff Technology, having sufficient knowledge and competences to evaluate the quality of food industry raw materials, other materials and production, to design a technological process, manage foodstuff manufacturing technological processes, organize a foodstuff company (division) activity and ready for a high-level and complicated professional activity in a constantly changing labour market.
Learning outcomes:
1. Will gain knowledge of natural and physical sciences, will know and understand basic concepts and theoretical fundaments of agriculture technology and will apply them to draw decisions in professional activity.
2. Will know the ways of agriculture products manufacturing, will know and relate the knowledge of agriculture technology field.
3. Will execute a technological process.
4. Will assess quality of the jobs performed.
5. Will analyse agriculture products market.
6. Will assess plant-growing technological processes.
7. Will select agriculture machinery and buildings.
8. Will organize storage and sale of agriculture products.
9. Will organize the process of an enterprise management.
10. Will communicate with plant-growing and stock breeding professionals and society, will comprehend the importance of individual lifelong learning
11. Will assess business environment and own
12. opportunities, will know the basic aspects of project management and business on the level of technological activity
13. Will learn independently, will communicate in own and foreign language, will apply the opportunities provided by information technologies, the principles of professional ethics when analysing and summarising activity results.
14. Will find, store and analyse recent information found in databases and other resources so necessary for agriculture activity.
Production and Management of Renewable Energy:
1. Will plan and organize renewable energy technological processes
2. Will select and adjust renewable energy sources in agriculture
3. Will assess the benefit of renewable energy sources for agriculture.
Organization of Agriculture Activity:
1. Will plan and organize effective usage of agriculture production factors
2. Will analyse and control possessed material resources.
Activities of teaching and learning:
Innovative teaching and learning methods are applied. Student centered to self-directed work, based on assignments and group work. The program aims at active participation of students in the study process, the aim is to create an active educational environment using various methods: interactive lectures, practical work, discussions, solution of situations, reading and analysis of teaching literature, project preparation, etc.
Methods of assessment of learning achievements:
The study results are assessed at the level of achievement of studies and in the tenth grade of the criteria evaluation system according to the Utena College's study results assessment procedure in 2017, which can be found on web page:https://www.utenos-kolegija.lt/upload/file_manager/Kolegija/Studiju%20rezultatu%20vertinimo%20tvarka_2017-03-21.pdf
The most common form of assessment in the College is an exam or project, depending on the results of the study programme. The final evaluation of a subject is a cumulative score.
Study subjects (modules), practical training:
General College Study Subjects (16 ECTS): Psichology/Sociology, Contemporary Lithuanian and Document Management, Professional Foreign Language, Professional Ethics.
Subjects in the Study Field (101 ECTS): Mathematics, Law, Industrial and Civil Safety, Electronic Data Procesing, Fundamentals of Biology and Biochemistry, Ecology, Mikro-Macroeconomics, Company Economy, Fundamentals of Management, Agriculture Policy, Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance, Marketing, Planting Technologies, Horticulture and Olericulture Technologies, Fundamentals of Seed Farming, Fundamentals of Veterinary, Cattle-Breeding Technologies, Mechanization of Farms.
Practices (30 ECTS): Cognitive Practice, Practice of Farming Technologies, Practice of Mechanization of Farms, Final Practice.
Preparation and assessment of the Final Work (9 ECTS)
Production and Management of Renewable Energy (15 ECTS): Renewable Energy Sources and Technology, Energy Economy, Project Management.
Organization of Agriculture Activity (15 ECTS): Marketing Research, Logistics of Agriculture Products, Financial Accounting, Project Management
Optional courses:
Alternative Elective Subjects: Philosophy /Sociology.
Optional studies (9 ECTS): any three subjects from the list of freely selective subjects (courses) found at the following link: https://www.utenos-kolegija.lt/upload/file_manager/STUDENTAMS/LPD_2018-2019_Bendras.pdf
Distinctive features of a study programme:
Part of the study program performed in foreign language (English and Russian).
Access to professional activity or further study:
Access to professional activity:
After acquiring a bachelor's degree in agricultural sciences, people can work as agricultural technicians in commodity agriculture (in agricultural enterprises or in farm farms).
Access to further study:
Graduates will be able to continue their bachelor's degree studies at a university. After completing supplementary studies or fulfilling other requirements set by the higher education institution, they will have the right to enter the second cycle master studies and the third cycle doctoral studies. |
Duration in credits, form and duration: |
180 Part-time - 4 (metais) |
Field of education: |
Agriculture |
Sub-sector of education: |
Crop and livestock production |
Study programme national code: |
6531IX007 |
| |
Study programme: |
Landscape Design |
Institution title: |
Vytautas Magnus University |
Summary of the programme profile: |
Objective(s) of a study program:
The main objective of the study program is to prepare comprehensive high quality university degree specialists, having knowledge of the nature elements and landscape management technologies, of art in spatial design, able to apply the laws of spatial planning, adapting or transforming landscape and natural environment elements according to the needs of society, to keep balance between human created elements and nature, carry out business in landscape design, to lead management of green spaces.
The first partial objective is to provide the knowledge of society development and to inoculate the concepts of professional values, to develop social responsibility, to convey principles of sustainable development, skills of natural, cultural and social environment assessment in connection with the development of landscape architecture trends.
Second partial objective – provide knowledge of the nature elements and landscape management technologies, to develop skills of rational use of natural resources, landscape planning and management business management in landscape design.
Third partial objective – provide knowledge of spatial art, history and theory of landscape architecture, to develop capability of green space design incorporating harmony laws of art, creating a different scope and scale of human habitat.
Learning outcomes:
1. To be able to describe and assess changes of natural, cultural and social environment, to define the transforming factors in those fields, to understand the needs of society.
2. To be able to reveal the ethical and professional values, social development factors and communication skills in professional activities.
3. To be able to analyze, evaluate and shape the landscape.
4. To recognize and be able to describe plants suitable for parks and gardens, to evaluate and to effect plant growing conditions, to be able to use plants in garden design.
5. To be able to combine the cultural and natural systems, to deal with the landscape of territorial unit integration questions.
6. To be able to selected research methods for observation and understanding of the natural processes, analyze and investigate the characteristics of their interactions.
7. To be able to describe the engineering objects, to apply various materials, methods, techniques, to use design documentation and be capable to administrate.
8. To be able to offer tools for natural environment improvement and recultivation, organize landscape design and management business, use natural resources in a sustainable way.
9. To be able to describe the history of the cultural form, to know and explain the typology of parks and gardens, to understand the design field as a social art.
10. To know the landscape planning and design theory and methods.
11. To be able to deal with the challenges of space development in planning, designing and managing the landscape, to apply regulations of land-use planning.
12. To be able to apply harmony laws of art in development of different scope and scale of human habitats.
Activities of teaching and learning:
Contact work consists of lectures, seminars, excursions, design studios, laboratory work, exercises, practices, consulting, tests, exams, supervising the final work.
Student self-dependant learning activities include preparation for seminars, laboratory work, tests and exams, substantive literature studies, taking individual and group tasks, coursework, final work preparation and delivery.
Teaching methods applied promote students' creative skills. They include debate, discussion, mind map, brainstorming, expert method, student presentations and approach to work in pairs and in groups, case studies of the real problems, development scenarios, practice in the workplace etc. The students are inspired for active participation in the lectures: after some introduction by the lecturer, they are supposed to read the study material before the following lectures, to formulate some questions, to speak to some topics, to participate in the discussion.
Methods of assessment of learning achievements:
Studies of the subject end with an exam. Exam may be taken in written or oral form. Before the exam session students are required to complete the laboratory, control, exercise activities, course projects and other forms of self-learning. The final note for a study subject consists of the knowledge evaluation during the exam (50-60%) and other work evaluation.
Subject evaluation methods are as follows: problematic issues, tests, short answer demanding questions, questions to answer using the open literature, oral questions, individual notification, the team (small group), prepared the report presentation, poster, abstract, problem tasks laboratory or practical work deliveries, study trip report, substantive work diaries, employer's reference, practical training report, presentation of the results of training practice, role-play (performance), delivery, presentation of various projects, various reviews.
No specializations
Optional courses:
Students are supposed to take one study subject from both optional subject groups (totally 8 ECTS):
Group 1:
Arboriculture, Recreational Forestry;
Group 2:
Environmental sociology and Psychology, ect.
Distinctive features of a study program:
Students have the opportunity to study individual courses abroad under the ERASMUS program.
Duration in credits, form and duration: |
240 Full-time - 4 (metais) |
Field of education: |
Agriculture |
Sub-sector of education: |
Horticulture |
Study programme national code: |
6121IX007 |
| | Field of studies: Agronomy (2) |
| |
Study programme: |
Agronomy |
Institution title: |
Vytautas Magnus University |
Summary of the programme profile: |
General Description:
Objective(s) of a study programme:
The main aim of the study programme is to prepare highly qualified agronomy graduates from Master’s studies capable of systematizing and creatively applying the latest research-based agrobiology, agronomy and information technology knowledge to solve scientific and industrial problems of agriculture, to ensure innovation, agricultural production and environmental coherence, and to work as a scientific researcher, consultant, carry out managerial work and self-improve in the field of agriculture.
The first sub-aim is to prepare specialists who are capable of making agricultural production decisions that ensure the sustainability of agrosystems, based on scientific advice, legislative acts and normative documents as well as providing consultations.
The second sub-aim of “Crop Science” specialization is to prepare specialists who are capable of evaluating and creatively solving scientific and crop production problems, introducing innovations and managing the processes taking place at various levels of agrosystems.
The second sub-aim of “Crop Science Protection and Nutrition” specialization is to prepare specialists capable of evaluating and managing the spread of plants pests and diseases and plant nutritional processes, creatively solving scientific and production-related problems of agricultural plant protection and nutrition, introducing innovations, ensuring agrosystem sustainability.
The second sub-aim of “Horticulture” specialization is to prepare specialists who are able to assess and solve scientific and production-related problems in the field of horticulture, manage the productivity and quality of horticultural plants and introduce innovative, environmentally friendly technologies.
Learning outcomes:
A graduate of the programme will be able:
1. to formulate scientific problems in the field of agronomy, to offer solutions, to plan and execute scientific research, to analyze and evaluate the results;
2. to integrate the knowledge of agronomy and other fields when carrying out consultation work, coordinating the projects of agricultural development specialists and launching agroinnovations;
3. to identify the problems of plant productivity development, to offer innovative environmentally friendly solutions for agrosystems of different intensities;
4. to analyze and evaluate the problems of scientific research and / or applied research in the field of crop production, to provide possible solutions and plan the possible impact on environment;
5. to predict the productivity of field plants and production quality by integrating the knowledge of agrobiology and other fields; to improve crop cultivation technologies, ensuring the production of high-quality and safe products and sustainable environment;
6. to analyze and evaluate the problems of scientific and / or applied research in the field of plant protection and nutrition, identify possible solutions and the impact on environment;
7. to identify and address the problem of the spread of plants pests and diseases and the problems of outdoor plant nutrition, taking into account the specific situation and the agricultural policy and laws of the European Union, to improve plant protection and fertilization technologies;
8. to analyze and evaluate the problems of research and / or applied research in the field of horticulture, and to identify possible solutions and the impact on environment;
9. to adopt and apply innovative solutions to improve the horticultural technologies that ensure the production of high-quality and safe products.
Activities of teaching and learning:
Teaching (lectures, laboratory works, practicums), learning (team work, individual work, preparation for laboratory works/practicums, exam), various innovative teaching/learning methods and interactive study means, visual material used during lectures: information delivery, presentations (which are e-mailed to students after the lectures), case study (problem-based study method), brainstorming, expert method, discussion, reflection etc.; visual material used during laboratory works/practicums: brainstorming, group work, individual and team assignments, discussions, self-reflection methods and other methods in accordance with the specific characteristics of each study subject. Student-centred individual work based on assignments and teamwork, paying special attention to problem solving and critical thinking.
Methods of assessment of learning achievements:
Answering orally and in writing, individual and team presentations etc.
Students are evaluated during the semester and exam session. The method of cumulative assessment is applied: learning achievements are assessed by mid-term assignments. After students have mastered several topics of the study subject, mid-term assessment is carried out by evaluating their assignments, acquired knowledge and skills (control works, practical assignments etc.). During the exam session all the acquired knowledge and skills are evaluated. During the examination session the learning achievements of the students are assessed in the form of exam. During the examination the knowledge of a student is evaluated on the scale from 1 to 10. The final mark consists of mid-term assessment evaluations and exam evaluation. Framework of the cumulative assessment is indicated in the subject description.
Study subjects (modules), practical training:
Course units provided by the University (24 ECTS) are devoted to the development of basic skills in other science fields, digital competences: Methodology of Extension, Information Technology in Agriculture, European Union Agricultural Policy and Law, Bioeconomy. Subjects of the study field (66 ECTS) include qualitatively higher-level general subjects of the study field (36 ECTS), which are taken by all Master’s students of the study program: Experimental Design and Analysis, Impact of Agricultural Activities on Environment, Agrobiological Potential of Plants, Integrated Pest Management, Biology and Fertility of Soil, Plant Nutritional Physiology and subjects in the field of study by specialization (30 ECTS): “Crop Science” - Alternative Crop Science, Purposive Plant Breeding and Seed Production, Precise Agriculture, Innovations in Crop Production, Sustainability of Agroecosystems; “Plant Protection and Nutrition” – Plant Pathology, Plant Parasitology, Management of Weed and Crop Competition, Fertilizer Systems Analysis and Management, Development of Resistant Plants by Biotechnological Methods; “Horticulture” - Biological Basics of Productivity of Horticultural Plants, Intensive Fruit Growing, Indoor Plant Growing, Orchard and Garden Plant Nutrition, Pest Management in Orchards and Olericulture.
“Crop Science”; “Plant Protection and Nutrition”; “Horticulture”
Optional courses:
It is possible to choose one of three specializations
Distinctive features of a study programme:
Access to professional activity or further study:
Access to professional activity:
Graduates will be able to work in agricultural businesses and their infrastructure, plant production companies; agricultural science and study institutions and integrated science, study and business centres; colleges and vocational schools; public administration institutions; advisory services; start a business.
Access to further study:
Graduates will be able to study in the third cycle programme of Agronomy. |
Duration in credits, form and duration: |
120 Full-time - 2 (metais) |
Field of education: |
Agriculture |
Sub-sector of education: |
Agriculture, forestry, fishers and veterinary (broad programs) |
Study programme national code: |
6211IX010 |
| |
Study programme: |
Agronomy |
Institution title: |
Vytautas Magnus University |
Summary of the programme profile: |
Future holders of a bachelor's degree in Agronomy study general academic education subjects (10 credits program): Philosophy, Psychology, Development of Society, and Appellative Foreign Language. In addition, they study subjects of agricultural field (111 credits program): Agrochemistry, Crop Management, Soil Management, Gardening, Vegetable Growing, Weed Control, etc.; and other fields subjects (39 credits program): General of Environmental Engineering, Management and Economics of Agriculture, Business Project Management of Agriculture, and Agricultural Engineering.
A person who graduates Crop Production Management study program achieves one study area degree (Bachelor of Agronomy).
Practice is provided in the subjects of the study program, as follows: Botany, Soil Science, Crop Management, Gardening, Vegetable Growing, Soil Management, etc. Total 7,6 credits and one 10 credits professional practice, which lasts 10 weeks.
Duration in credits, form and duration: |
240 Full-time - 4 (metais), Part-time - 6 (metais) |
Field of education: |
Agriculture |
Sub-sector of education: |
Crop and livestock production |
Study programme national code: |
6121IX004 |
| | Field of studies: Animal Sciences (4) |
| |
Study programme: |
Animal and Human Interaction |
Institution title: |
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences |
Summary of the programme profile: |
General Description:
Objective(s) of a study programme:
To prepare professional specialists with wide erudition in the field of animal and human interaction, with deep, science-based knowledge of animals used for human rehabilitation, service, sports, for recreational activities, aesthetic and communication needs, the importance of integration for public welfare, able to structurally and ethically model these activities, paying special attention to ensuring animal welfare and human safety.
Learning outcomes:
Prepared specialists with wide erudition in the field of animal-human interaction:
-having deep, science-based knowledge about the importance of integration of animals used for human rehabilitation, service, sports, recreational activities, aesthetic and communication needs to ensure public welfare;
- able to structurally and ethically model these activities, paying special attention to ensuring animal welfare and human safety;
- knowledgeable about statistical analysis and modeling and research methods in the area of animal and human interaction;
- capable to interpret and predict the obtained results, evaluate them critically.
Activities of teaching and learning:
Lectures; interactive activities; seminars; laboratory and practical works; exercises; discussions; case studies; reflections; problem-based teaching; consultations; simulations; practice in companies; individual and team work.
Methods of student achievement assessment:
Exam, colloquium, defense of practice work, course work, control work, practice report, final work.
Study subjects (modules), practical training:
Research methodology; Professional communication; Small business management and organizational psychology;
Use of assisting animals in society; Practice (according to the relevant chosen field: (for people's rehabilitation, service, sports, recreational activities, aesthetic and communication needs); Thesis.
- Cynology
- Canine Therapy
- Horse Breeding and Rearing
- Hippotherapy
- The Use of Alternative Animals to Assist in Therapy
Optional courses:
Optional subjects (the list is updated every year): Positive psychology; Oratory; he Animal Used for the Rehabilitation and Recreation, Raising; Finding and applying evidence-based scientific information in the practice of animal science specialists; Advanced technologies in the breeding of small ruminants and camelids; Organizational culture.
Distinctive features of a study programme:
This is the only study program in Lithuania that specializes in training professionals with wide erudition in the field of Animal and human interaction, who have deep, science-based knowledge about animals used for human rehabilitation, for service, sports, recreational activities, aesthetic and communication needs, the importance of integration for public welfare, capable of structurally and ethically modeling these activities, with an exclusive focus on animal welfare and for ensuring human safety.
Access to professional activity or further study:
Access to professional activity:
In the Ministries of the Republic of Lithuania (Agriculture, Environment, Health, etc.) and their departments; in consulting services; State border guard services; in police departments, in which animal assistance is used; in kennels; in zoos; animal shelters; in stud farms, creating own business, consulting, etc.
In perspective provided for that those who have completed the Animal-Human Interaction study program will be able to seek to obtain a license for the provision of services in the subgroup of complementary and alternative health care services in the field of psychosocial effects in the field of natural and folk medicine, in which animals are used for their provision.
Access to further study:
Continue your studies in the pH studies in Animal Sciences.
Duration in credits, form and duration: |
90 Part-time - 2 (metais) |
Field of education: |
Agriculture |
Sub-sector of education: |
Crop and livestock production |
Study programme national code: |
6211IX003 |
| |
Study programme: |
Animal and Human Interaction |
Institution title: |
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences |
Summary of the programme profile: |
General Description:
Objective(s) of a study programme:
To prepare professional specialists with wide erudition in the field of Animal and Human Interaction, knowing about the importance of integration of animals used for human rehabilitation, service, sports, recreational activities, aesthetic and communication needs to ensure public welfare and well-being, national and international legislation regulating this area, the species of animals used for human rehabilitation, service, sports, recreational activities, aesthetic and communication needs and their characteristics, animal anatomy, physiology, behavior, physiological needs; conditions necessary to ensure animal welfare and health.
Learning outcomes:
Prepared specialists in the field of Animal and Human Interaction:
- aware of the importance of integration of assisted animal therapy and animal recreational activities
to ensure public welfare and well-being;
- who know and know how to apply national and international legislation regulating the field of Animal and Human Interaction;
- knowledgeable about the species of animals used for animal and human interaction activities (for persons’ rehabilitation, service, sports, recreational activities, aesthetic and communication needs) and their peculiarities, animal anatomy, physiology, behavior, physiological needs; conditions necessary to ensure animal welfare and health.
Activities of teaching and learning:
Lectures; interactive activities; seminars; laboratory and practical works; exercises; discussions; case studies; reflections; problem-based teaching; consultations; simulations; practice in companies; individual and team work.
Methods of student achievement assessment:
Exam; colloquium; defense of practice work; course work; control work; practice report; final work.
Study subjects (modules), practical training:
Bioethics; Animal biology; Cell Biology and Genetics; Animal morphology and physiology; Innovative food and feed preparation technologies; Biochemistry; Raising and management of assisting animals; Animal Therapy in Rehabilitation of Patients; Ecology and environmental protection; Animal hygiene; Pet animals nutrition; Animal breeding and applied ethology; Immunology; Marketing; Informatics; The Basics of Prevention of Infections in Animals Participating in Recreation
Wellness of Animal; Biostatistics; Research Methodology; Applied Health Psychology; Animal welfare; Practice (according to the relevant chosen field: (for people's rehabilitation, service, sports, recreational activities, aesthetic and communication needs); Thesis.
Cynology: Rearing and reproduction of dogs; Dog nutrition; Dog assistance and recreational activities.
Horse Rearing: Rearing and reproduction of horses; Equine nutrition; Horse assistance and recreational activities.
Felinology: Rearing and reproduction of cats; Cat nutrition; Cat assistance and recreational activities.
Exotic and wild animals: Rearing and reproduction of exotic and wild animals; Nutrition of exotic and wild animals; Assistance and recreational activities of exotic and wild animals.
Optional courses:
Optional subjects (the list is updated every year):
Media and health; Personal health education; Experimental animal models; Biodiversity of the World; Animal genetic resources; Horse breeding technologies; Invasive species; Snail Growing; Physical Education; Beekeeping, Bee Products and Apitherapy; Basic laboratory animal models, instructions and protocols; Nutrition of wild captive animals, etc.
Distinctive features of a study programme:
This is the only program in Lithuania that specializes in training professionals with a wide erudition in the field of Animal-human interaction, who know the importance of the integration of assisted animal therapeutic and animal recreational activities to ensure public welfare, national and international legislation regulating this area, the species of animals used for these activities and their peculiarities, animal anatomy, physiology, behavior, physiological needs; necessary conditions to ensure animal welfare and health.
Access to professional activity or further study:
Access to professional activity:
In the Ministries of the Republic of Lithuania (Agriculture, Environment, Health, etc.) and their departments; in consulting services; State border guard services; in police departments, in which animal assistance is used; in kennels; in zoos; animal shelters; in stud farms, creating own business, consulting, etc.
In perspective provided for that those who have completed the Animal-Human Interaction study program will be able to seek to obtain a license for the provision of services in the subgroup of complementary and alternative health care services in the field of psychosocial effects in the field of natural and folk medicine, in which animals are used for their provision.
Access to further study:
Continue studies in the Master's degree in Animal and Human Interaction.
Duration in credits, form and duration: |
210 Full-time - 3.5 (metais), Part-time - 5 (metais) |
Field of education: |
Agriculture |
Sub-sector of education: |
Crop and livestock production |
Study programme national code: |
6121IX002 |
| |
Study programme: |
Animal Science |
Institution title: |
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences |
Summary of the programme profile: |
General Description: Objective(s) of a study programme: To prepare highly qualified Animal Science specialists, mature and integrated personalities capable of ensuring the welfare and health of production animals, organizing and managing activities in the livestock business sector, applying fundamental knowledge and the latest innovations in the fields of animal genetics and breeding, rearing, housing, care, and nutrition, understanding the importance of the One Health concept and responding to consumer needs for high quality and safe animal origin products, capable of applying skills and knowledge in independent activities and studies in the second cycle of studies (master's studies). Learning outcomes: Highly qualified Animal Science specialists capable to: · ensure the welfare and health of production animals; · organize and manage activities in the livestock business sector; · applying fundamental knowledge and the latest innovations in the fields of animal genetics and breeding, rearing, housing, care, and nutrition for livestock sector business; · understand the importance of the One Health concept and responding to consumer needs for high quality and safe animal origin products; · apply skills and knowledge in independent activities and studies in the second cycle of studies (master's studies). Activities of teaching and learning: Lectures; Interactive Activities; Seminars; Laboratory and Practical Work; Exercises; Discussions; Case Analyses; Reflections; Problem-Based Learning; Consultations; Simulations; Practice in Agricultural Companies; Individual and Team Work. Methods of student achievement assessment: Exam; Colloquium; Defense of Practical Work; Course Work; Test; Practice Report; Thesis.
Framework: Study subjects (modules), practical training: Information Technology; Economics and Accounting; Management and Marketing; Biological Chemistry; Applied Biology and Ecology; Bioethics; Animal Anatomy and Physiology; Microbiology; Animal Genetics and Breeding; Fundamentals of Clinical Veterinary Medicine and Reproductive Biotechnology; Animal Hygiene and Welfare; Animal Nutrition; Law; Agronomy; Engineering Solutions in Animal Husbandry; Aquaculture; Fodder Production; Beekeeping; Poultry Farming; Equine Husbandry; Sheep and Goat Farming; Cattle Farming; Pig Farming; Alternative Animal Husbandry; Biostatistics; Slaughter Product Technology; Milk and Meat Processing Technologies; Internships in Companies. Specializations: - Optional courses: Animal Safety and Prevention of Cruelty; Cynology and Felinology; Snail Farming; Alternative Crop Production; Healthy Lifestyle; Media and Health; Physical Activity and Health; Organization of Recreational Sports for the Population; Human Anatomy; Application of Information Technology in Biomedical Studies; Information Visualization; Improvement of Foreign Language Proficiency. Distinctive features of a study programme: The Animal Science study program is designed to prepare broadly educated Animal Science specialists who understand the challenges of biodiversity and environmental protection, the scope and complexity of human-animal-environment interaction, and the social and economic factors influencing it, considering rapidly changing global trends; it focuses on the welfare and health of production animals, the organization and management specifics of the livestock business sector, and the integrated application of fundamental knowledge and the latest achievements in Animal Science in the context of the One Health concept. Access to professional activity or further study: Access to professional activity: In the ministries of the Republic of Lithuania (Agriculture, Environment, Health, etc.) and their divisions; in consulting services; in companies within the production animal business sector; in animal raw material processing companies; in companies involved in the production, import, export, and sale of nutritional and medicinal substances for production animals; to establish and manage their own businesses, etc.
Access to further study: To continue studies in the Animal Science master's program. |
Duration in credits, form and duration: |
180 Full-time - 3 (metais), Part-time - 4 (metais) |
Field of education: |
Agriculture |
Sub-sector of education: |
Crop and livestock production |
Study programme national code: |
6121IX001 |
| |
Study programme: |
Animal Science |
Institution title: |
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences |
Summary of the programme profile: |
General Description: Objective(s) of a study programme: Prepare highly qualified Animal Science specialists with extensive knowledge, capable of applying an interdisciplinary approach comprehensively for the organizing and managing activities within the livestock business sector while implementing the latest science-based technologies to ensure the One Health concept's principles, which involves deep understanding of the human-animal-environment interaction and its influence on societal well-being. Learning outcomes: Highly qualified Animal Science specialists should be able to: · Apply an interdisciplinary approach comprehensively and utilize acquired knowledge for organizing and managing activities within the livestock business sector; · Implement the latest science-based technologies to livestock business sector to ensure the principles of the One Health concept, analyzing the impact of the human-animal-environment relationship on societal well-being; · Adapt skills and knowledge and have the ability to initiate, develop, and implement innovative technological solutions in the livestock business sector; · Carry out their activities independently and/or as part of a team in professional practice and/or continue their career in the third cycle of studies (studies of the doctoral degree). Activities of teaching and learning: Lectures; Interactive Activities; Seminars; Laboratory and Practical Work; Exercises; Discussions; Case Studies; Reflection; Problem-based Learning; Consultations; Simulations; Practice in Agricultural Companies; Individual and
Team Work. Methods of student achievement assessment: Exam; Colloquium; Defense of Practical Work; Interactive Test; Coursework; Control Work; Practice Report; Defense of Master Thesis. Framework: Study subjects (modules), practical training: Animal Biotechnology; Livestock Business; Animal Welfare and Environmental Protection in Agriculture; Ecological Livestock Farming; Public Administration of Agricultural Development; Professional Communication; Scientific Research Work; Internship. Specializations: The specialization consists of 15 ECTS credits. Students choose one of the listed specializations: Dairy Farm Management; Beef Cattle Farm Management; Farm Management of Small Ruminants; Stud Management; Pig Farm Management; Poultry Farm Management; Aquaculture Farm Management; Apiary Management; Development of Alternative Animal Husbandry. Optional courses: Among the mandatory subjects of the Master's program in Animal Science, optional courses include 12 ECTS credits (10% of the total program ECTS), meaning 2 subjects of 6 ECTS credits each for every semester. These subjects are constantly updated, according to relevance for livestock business sector. Distinctive features of a study programme: The Animal Science study program is designed to prepare highly knowledgeable specialists in animal science, capable of understanding the challenges of biodiversity and environmental conservation, the complexity of human-animal-environment interaction, and the social and economic factors affecting them. Taking into account rapidly changing global trends, the program focuses on animal welfare and health, the peculiarities of organizing and managing the livestock business sector, and integrates fundamental knowledge with the latest achievements in animal science within the context of the One Health concept.
Access to professional activity or further study: Access to professional activity: In the ministries of the Republic of Lithuania (Agriculture, Environment, Health, etc.) and their departments; advisory services; companies in the livestock business sector; companies processing raw materials of the animal origin; companies producing, importing, exporting, and distributing nutritional and medicinal substances for livestock business sector; establishing and managing their own businesses; pursuing a scientific and/or pedagogical career at universities, etc. Access to further study: Continue studies of the doctoral degree in Agricultural Sciences Animal Sciences area. |
Duration in credits, form and duration: |
105 Part-time - 2.5 (metais) |
Field of education: |
Agriculture |
Sub-sector of education: |
Crop and livestock production |
Study programme national code: |
6211IX002 |
| | Field of studies: Food Studies (4) |
| |
Study programme: |
Food Quality and Safety |
Institution title: |
Vytautas Magnus University |
Summary of the programme profile: |
General Description:
Objective(s) of a study programme:
to train specialists in the field of Food studies who are able to solve the problems of food raw materials and production and process management, quality control, increasing the competitiveness of food industry, implementing sustainable production principles, protecting the environment and human health, implementing the principles of the circular economy.
Learning outcomes:
Student is able to:
• explain the impact of primary production and food handling processes on the quality and safety of food raw materials and products, the environment, and the human;
• describe the chemical composition of food raw materials and products, the properties of food components and their interactions, and understands the impact of food quality and nutrition on the quality of human life;
• describe the processes of production, processing, spoilage and decomposition of food raw materials and products, to select appropriate methods of their control as well as to explain the impact of these processes on the quality and safety of raw materials and products;
• formulate a scientific hypothesis, to select innovative methods of quality assessment of food raw materials and products, to plan and to conduct research, to statistically evaluate, to analyse and to summarize research results required to ensure the quality and safety of food raw materials and products throughout the food management chain;
• analyse and to critically evaluate the factors influencing raw material and food management processes, ensuring sustainable production, respecting human health and the environment;
• select appropriate raw materials, equipment, tools, processes and methods for handling food raw materials and products;
• apply quality management systems to control and to evaluate the quality and safety of food raw materials and products at all stages of primary production and food handling;
• communicate and to collaborate in solving food management tasks, to present information in a clear, reasoned manner and to collaborate with specialists in various fields of science;
• make decisions independently and/or in a team, to critically evaluate and to apply the knowledge in practice, making decisions that ensure food quality and safety;
• think critically, to solve problems, to work independently and in a group, to make responsible decisions and to adapt to a changing environment as well as to understand the need for lifelong learning and career planning.
Activities of teaching and learning:
Interpretation, presentation of questions and answers, literature analysis, case studies practical and laboratory works, analysis, testing, preparation, and presentation of reports; interpretation, discussion, testing, preparation, and presentation of reports; completion of a group task, etc.
Methods of assessment of learning achievements:
Written survey, case study evaluation, trial monitoring, report delivery monitoring, evaluation of case studies, discussion of discussions and trials, monitoring of report presentation, etc.
Study subjects (modules), practical training:
General microbiology; Mathematics and computer science; Inorganic and analytical chemistry; Professional language; Physical and colloid chemistry; Agricultural systems; Plant food raw materials ; Sustainable food systems; General ecology and environmental protection; Physics; Animal food raw materials; Food chemistry; Functional food; Sensory analysis of food products; Plant physiology; Production of food; Food microbiology and toxicology; Research methodology of raw materials and food; Biologically active nutrients ; Instrumental analysis of food products; Food safety and quality management systems; Coursework (Innovative product development; Information technology in the food sector; Professional internship; Gastronomic science; Storage of food raw materials; Engineering of processing and storage of food raw materials and products; Physiology of human nutrition; Food quality assessment; Biotechnology of food raw materials; Final thesis; Packaging materials and technologies.
Optional courses:
Group A (consists of introductory courses to various branches of science and areas) and B courses (comprises the subjects which are chosen freely).
Distinctive features of a study programme:
The study field programmes are unique because of their interdisciplinarity, covering agronomy and engineering study fields, and trained specialists who acquire competencies important at all stages of the food chain, from growing, preparing, and processing quality raw materials to safe delivery to the consumer. Therefore, employers are interested in ensuring the employment of graduates of these study programmes in their companies
Access to professional activity or further study:
Access to professional activity:
Graduates with a bachelor’s degree in agricultural sciences may work and are working in quality evaluation and management institutions, consulting companies, public institutions and private business; food raw materials processing, food production companies; catering, recreation and other companies providing services (hotels, guest houses, tourism complexes and rural tourism homesteads) as well as to create their own business.
Access to further study:
Graduates may also continue their studies in master study programmes of agricultural sciences or related fields of study at Lithuanian and foreign universities
Duration in credits, form and duration: |
240 Full-time - 4 (metais) |
Field of education: |
Agriculture |
Sub-sector of education: |
Agriculture, forestry, fishers and veterinary (broad programs) |
Study programme national code: |
6121IX005 |
| |
Study programme: |
Food Science |
Institution title: |
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences |
Summary of the programme profile: |
General Description: Objective(s) of a study programme: To prepare specialists who know how to apply the food (bio)technology model for the creation of safe
food with added-value and who are able to practically implement quality and business management knowledge to optimize company management. Learning outcomes: 1.1. Independently study professional and scientific literature and integrate knowledge for personal development, as well as apply the principles of scientific information dissemination. 1.2. Improve professional qualifications, work in a team and in the international space, use information search systems. 1.3. To be able to solve problems independently, choosing the most appropriate methods and critically evaluating work results. 1.4. Be able to adapt to constant changes in the field of professional activity and changes in the content of activities. 1.5. Apply knowledge of economics and management. 1.6. Implement solutions in familiar and new environments. 2.1. To know the composition, properties and biochemical processes of food raw materials and products. 2.2. Select and apply the methods applied to the research of food raw materials and products and evaluate the obtained results. 2.3. Analyze and evaluate quality and safety indicators of food raw materials and products and assess their compliance with requirements. 2.4. Evaluate food raw materials, taking into account their further use for the production of food products. 3.1. To know the technological processes and technologies of food raw materials and products. 3.2. Apply the acquired knowledge in analyzing and improving the efficiency of food production. 3.3. Apply the concept of a sustainable food production chain. 3.4. Evaluate and analyze the production of food raw materials and products. 4.1. Assess basic guidelines for healthy eating. 4.2. To know the principles of rational and balanced nutrition, groups of basic food products, nutritional needs of people of various age groups and conditions. 5.1. Ensure the quality of food raw materials and products, implement quality management systems. 5.2. Implement a system of risk factor analysis of important control points in the food chain. Activities of teaching and learning:
Laboratory work, practical sessions, seminars, presentations, case studies, traditional lectures, work in groups or individually, discussions, counseling, creative tasks, brainstorming, mind maps, demonstrations, etc. Methods of student achievement assessment: The achievements of the study results of all subjects are evaluated using a summative assessment, which is used to evaluate the student's achievements in the studies of the subject (module). The cumulative score is part of the summative assessment. The achievement of the results of the interns is evaluated by evaluating the intern report. The achievements of the results of the entire study program are evaluated by the final thesis, which the student starts preparing from the first year of studies and presents and defends publicly in the thesis defense committee. Framework: Study subjects (modules), practical training: Food chemistry; Biochemistry; Philosophy; Ecology; Physical and sensory properties of food; Food production technology processes and apparatus; Human and animal physiology; Basics of economics; Applied Psychology, Introduction to Food Science Studies; Technological devices for food raw materials and products; Nutrition; Statistics in Food Science; Water quality and safety; Food toxicology; Basics of management; Chemical and physical testing of food; Food law; Food quality and safety management systems; Microbiology; Viruses, bacteria, parasites in food, their control; Quality management and conformity assessment; Production and quality of plant food raw materials and products; Production and quality of animal food raw materials and products; food preservation and packaging; Principles and technologies of organizing public catering; Food production chain waste management; Sanitation of food establishments; Industrial practice and General practice of food raw materials and product production technology. Specializations: - Optional courses: Students can choose optional study subjects. Distinctive features of a study programme: Graduates can continue their studies in Food Science and others in master's degree programs related to food quality, safety and/or production technologies in Lithuania and abroad. Access to professional activity or further study:
Access to professional activity: Graduates will be able to work in the production of food raw materials and products in companies (examples of held positions: technologist, quality manager, production manager, production foreman, quality manager, food research laboratory worker, etc.) in public catering companies, companies related to organized food supply, etc. Regarding food quality issues relevance, graduates are employed in the State after completing their studies in the food and veterinary service, linking their activities with by solving food quality issues (e.g. state food and food products of the Food Department of the Veterinary Service inspector). Graduates will be able to choose civil service and in departments of ministries, municipalities of cities and districts in companies that require special knowledge about food quality and safety (e.g. in the Food Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, Economic and Program Evaluation Department Strategic duties of a specialist in the planning and science department, etc.), LR in the Chamber of Agriculture, in various farmers' organizations, in organizations of agricultural product processors and others in institutions responsible not only for food raw materials and products production, but also raising the qualifications of food specialists, their organization of training. Having a wide perception in many areas related to food, they will be able to start their own business or be part of it. Access to further study: The graduates can continue their studies at other universities. |
Duration in credits, form and duration: |
210 Full-time - 3.5 (metais) |
Field of education: |
Manufacturing and processing |
Sub-sector of education: |
Food processing |
Study programme national code: |
6121IX003 |
| |
Study programme: |
Food Sciences |
Institution title: |
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences |
Summary of the programme profile: |
General Description: Objective(s) of a study programme: To prepare specialists who know how to apply the food (bio)technology model for the creation of safe food with added-value and who are able to practically implement quality and business management knowledge to optimize company management. Learning outcomes: 1.1. To independently and consistently achieve the set goals, to understand the basic ethical provisions. 1.2. To understand the social environment and the principles of teamwork, to be able to manage human resources. 2.1. To be able to apply theoretical and practical knowledge about food technology and biotechnology modelling, production planning and design. 2.2. To be able to use the acquired theoretical knowledge to create new food products that meet the needs of modern society in modern companies. 3.1. To be able to apply in practice the knowledge about the basics of creating successful business and food processing companies, and the organization of their activities. 3.2. Have knowledge of human resource management, planning and psychology. 4.1. Be able to analyze the latest scientific achievements, have knowledge about healthy and dietary nutrition. 4.2. To be able to apply knowledge about the peculiarities of nutrition, its influence on health, in creating prototypes of food production technologies. 5.1. To be able to apply knowledge of quality management, integrating into the market of food raw materials and products. 5.2. Be able to organize and conduct food research. Activities of teaching and learning: Laboratory work, practical sessions, seminars, presentations, case studies, traditional lectures, work in groups or individually, discussions, counseling, creative tasks, brainstorming, mind maps, demonstrations, etc. Methods of student achievement assessment: The achievements of the study results of all subjects are evaluated using a summative assessment, which is used to evaluate the student's achievements in the studies of the subject (module). The cumulative score is part of the summative assessment. The achievement of the results of the interns is
evaluated by evaluating the intern report. The achievements of the results of the entire study program are evaluated by the final thesis, which the student starts preparing from the first year of studies and presents and defends publicly in the thesis defense committee. Framework: Study subjects (modules), practical training: Food Biotechnology; Formation of Toxic Compounds During the Food Processing; Organisation of Food Research, Quality Management and Assurance; Nutrition and Health; Applied Statistics; Functional Food; New Food Products Development, Production Planning, Food Ethics Dietetic Nutrition Peculiarities; Applied Organizational; Psychology; Small Business Management; Food Additives in Innovative Technologies, and etc.; Industrial Practice. Specializations: - Optional courses: Students can choose optional study subjects. Distinctive features of a study programme: The program belongs to the direction of Food studies programs; the structure of the program includes the development, key application (during laboratory work and in-house practice) of the food biotechnology model "higher added-value safe food" based on scientific practice and management throughout the food chain, nutrition and dietetics, quality and business management, and artificial intelligence in determining consumer food choices knowledge of factor analysis. Access to professional activity or further study: Access to professional activity: After completing the master's studies in Food Science, graduates work in food processing companies (as technologists, quality managers) and are able to apply the acquired knowledge of nutrition in the development of new technologies and products; works in laboratories and scientific institutions, is able to organize and carry out research, create, establish and manage food processing entities, organize their activities. Access to further study: The graduates can continue their studies at other universities |
Duration in credits, form and duration: |
120 Part-time - 3 (metais) |
Field of education: |
Manufacturing and processing |
Sub-sector of education: |
Food processing |
Study programme national code: |
6211IX001 |
| |
Study programme: |
Quality and Safety of Food Plant Raw Materials |
Institution title: |
Vytautas Magnus University |
Summary of the programme profile: |
General Description:
Objective(s) of a study programme:
to train highly qualified specialists in the field of Food studies who are able to independently manage sustainable food production systems, implement innovations and analyse their impact on the environment and human beings, to solve problems related to providing the public with quality, health-friendly food, planning and conducting research and putting the acquired knowledge into practice
Learning outcomes:
Studente is able to:
• identify the quality and safety problems of plant food raw materials that reflect the needs of society as well as to explain their solutions based on scientific principles;
• define the determinants of quality and safety of food raw material, to describe and to select food raw material quality assessment methods as well as food quality management systems;
• apply the latest scientific knowledge in the development of innovative raw materials and products, applying the principles of sustainable production as well as assessing the impact of their production process on society and the environment;
• formulate a scientific hypothesis defining the quality of plant food raw materials, to select innovative quality assessment methods, to independently plan research on raw material quality assessment;
• independently and, in a group, to carry out planned research, to analyse research results, to evaluate and to interpret them, to prepare scientific conclusions of the evaluation of plant food raw materials and recommendations for the improvement of food raw materials and products management process;
• assess the quality and safety issues of plant food raw materials and products in the handling, storage and processing of raw materials related to the impact on the environment, human health, and public welfare;
• identify and to apply food quality management systems, as well as to comply with environmental and ethical requirements in primary production and food management chain;
• identify the factors necessary for the optimization of production processes of innovative food raw materials and products, to make complex process improvement decisions and to assess their impact on the society and the environment;
• present information in a clear, reasoned manner and to communicate with specialists in various fields of science; is able to organize work independently and/or in a team, to be a team leader, to responsibly apply interdisciplinary knowledge in the food sector as well as to critically evaluate decisions and to select the best one;
• describe the chemical composition of food raw materials and products, the properties of food components and their interactions, and understands the impact of food quality and nutrition on the quality of human life;
• describe the processes of production, processing, spoilage and decomposition of food raw materials and products, to select appropriate methods of their control as well as to explain the impact of these processes on the quality and safety of raw materials and products;
• formulate a scientific hypothesis, to select innovative methods of quality assessment of food raw materials and products, to plan and to conduct research, to statistically evaluate, to analyse and to summarize research results required to ensure the quality and safety of food raw materials and products throughout the food management chain;
• analyse and to critically evaluate the factors influencing raw material and food management processes, ensuring sustainable production, respecting human health and the environment;
• select appropriate raw materials, equipment, tools, processes and methods for handling food raw materials and products;
• apply quality management systems to control and to evaluate the quality and safety of food raw materials and products at all stages of primary production and food handling;
• communicate and to collaborate in solving food management tasks, to present information in a clear, reasoned manner and to collaborate with specialists in various fields of science;
• make decisions independently and/or in a team, to critically evaluate and to apply the knowledge in practice, making decisions that ensure food quality and safety;
• think critically, to solve problems, to work independently and in a group, to make responsible decisions and to adapt to a changing environment as well as to understand the need for lifelong learning and career planning.
Activities of teaching and learning:
Narration, interpretation, case studies, discussion, analysis of problematic examples and questions, video review, interpretation, illustration, discussions, performance of practical tasks; analysis of scientific sources
Methods of assessment of learning achievements:
Evaluation of case studies, monitoring of debates, case study evaluation, evaluation of problem solutions, evaluation of the analysis of the performed practical tasks, written survey, observation of discussions; evaluation of the analysis of completed practical tasks, written survey, evaluation of a report, testing
Study subjects (modules), practical training:
Chemistry of plant food raw materials; Quality and safety management of plant food raw materials; Research planning and analysis; Chemical safety of plant raw materials; Methods for assessing the quality of plant food raw materials; Research work I; Quality of agroecosystem and crop production;
Microbiological contamination of plant food raw materials and toxins; Research work II; Human ecology and environmental epidemiology; Career management modelling; Consumer law and education; Final thesis
Optional courses:
Enhancing plant genetic diversity by biotechnological methods; Educational public health promotion; Novel foods of plant origin; Food allergens; Biodegradation of organic compounds; Bioethics
Distinctive features of a study programme:
The study field programmes are unique because of their interdisciplinarity, covering agronomy and engineering study fields, and trained specialists who acquire competencies important at all stages of the food chain, from growing, preparing, and processing quality raw materials to safe delivery to the consumer. Therefore, employers are interested in ensuring the employment of graduates of these study programmes in their companies.
Access to professional activity or further study:
Access to professional activity:
graduates may work as managers of primary production and food management companies or be production process workers; consultants, project managers, experts in companies or institutions operating in the food sector; researchers in food science and study institutions and integrated science, study and business centres; teachers; senior and principal specialists in public administration institutions; to create their own business
Access to further study:
to continue studies in doctoral studies
Duration in credits, form and duration: |
120 Part-time - 3 (metais) |
Field of education: |
Agriculture |
Sub-sector of education: |
Agriculture, forestry, fishers and veterinary (broad programs) |
Study programme national code: |
6211IX005 |
| | Field of studies: Forestry (3) (Continued on the next page) |
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