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Qualification degree and (or) qualification to be awarded

Bachelor of Health Sciences

Place of delivery

Kaunas, A. Mickevičiaus g. 9, LT-44307

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Institution that has performed accreditation, accreditation term

Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras, 6/30/2022

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Summary of the Profile

General Description: Objective(s) of a study programme: To prepare highly qualified midwives who, with the help of digital technologies, will be able to work in a modern environment, implement midwifery care and nursing in the community, at all levels of health care, working in a team of specialists and independently. Learning outcomes: 1) Will understand and critically evaluate theories and principles of professional activity; 2) Will know the newest methods of professional activity and will be capable of creatively solving problems arising in a midwife’s work; 3) Will be able understand relationship between the state of health and the physical and social environment of the human being, and of his behaviour; 4) Will be able to prepare women, pregnant women, and women after childbirth for instrumental examinations and therapeutic interventions; 5) Will be able to provide midwifery care and assistance to mature girls, adolescents, and women prior to, during, and after pregnancy, and to provide care of the newborn; 6) Will be able recognising the warning signs of abnormality in the mother or infant which

necessitate referral to a doctor and assisting the latter where appropriate; 7) Will be able to manage low-risk childbirth and provide care to the neonate 8) Will be able to perform therapeutic procedures and midwifery operations within the limits of a midwife’s competence and functions; 9) Will be able to organise and implement family reproductive health care, to provide consultations on family planning and family education, to prepare parenthood programmes, and to prepare a woman for childbirth; 10) Will be capable of cooperation and leadership in teamwork when providing midwifery assistance and care, and will be able to develop independence and professional and personal responsibility; 11) Will be capable (will acquire transferable abilities) of qualified conveyance of professional knowledge and practical experience when implementing informal education of midwifery and specialised midwifery practice and when performing the functions of a professional clinical training teacher (mentor); 12) Will be able (will acquire transferable abilities) to participate in scientific research in the fields of midwifery and nursing and will develop evidence-based practice. Activities of teaching and learning: Methods of student achievement assessment: Diagnostic, formative and summative assessment methods. Framework: Study subjects (modules), practical training: Students of the Bachelor of Midwifery degree program study humanities and social sciences, fundamentals of nursing, clinical nursing, maternal and newborn health care, intensive care and pain management in midwifery, family mental health, administration in midwifery, scientific research, community nursing, foundations of education and more. A total of 14 modules are studied. During the studies, 5 clinical practices are planned: nursing practice in the I and II courses; midwifery practice in the 3rd and 4th years and final midwifery practice in the spring semester of the 4th

year. Specializations: - Optional courses: University and co-university electives. Distinctive features of a study programme: Students of Midwifery program is attractive with modular training, integration of theory and practice. The graduate will be able to give advice on family planning, determine pregnancy, monitor the course of a normal pregnancy, perform the necessary tests, help prepare for childbirth, motherhood and parenthood, take care of the woman during childbirth, take care of the mother and take care of her in the postpartum period, advise on the care of the newborn, apply the treatment prescribed by the doctor , to provide the necessary assistance according to the competence of the obstetrician, in case of threatening health conditions of the mother and the child. They will also know the principles of organizing obstetric-gynecological care in Lithuania, the requirements of professional ethics, the influence of social, cultural and economic factors on a woman's health, the principles of disease prevention, qualitative indicators of mother and child health promotion, the psychology of healthy and sick people, the basics of family psychology, women and newborns peculiarities of anatomy, physiology and pathology, drugs used in obstetrics, their possible negative effects on the mother and the fetus. Access to professional activity or further study: Access to professional activity: Graduates can work as midwives independently and in a team of health care specialists, providing services in licensed personal health care facilities and, in certain cases, in patient homes and communities. Access to further study: The graduates can continue their studies at other universities in Master and PhD programs.