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Electrical Energetics Engineering

Language of instruction


Qualification degree and (or) qualification to be awarded

Bachelor of Engineering Sciences

Place of delivery

Vilnius, Saulėtekio al. 11, LT-10223

Institution that has carried out assessment

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Institution that has performed accreditation, accreditation term

Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras, 7/31/2028

Data provided or updated (date)


Order on accreditation

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Summary of the Profile

General Description:
Objective(s) of a study programme:
Provide sufficient knowledge of mathematics and other physical sciences, electronics and electrical energetics engineering fundamentals, develop the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in engineering activities.
Develop the need to be interested in electronics and electrical energetics engineering, apply the acquired knowledge in engineering design and combine it with business and management fundamentals, humanities and social science, understand the importance and influence of the engineering solutions on the social development, able to operate on the global engineering market and use the emerging technologies.
Develop broad erudition and the ability to critically analyze and creatively solve the electrical energetics engineering problems.
Develop the ability to maintain their professional competence by life-long learning.
Learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding of the natural science and mathematics fundamentals, that are required for understanding of the basics of the electronics and electrical engineering study field, corresponding to the electrical energetics engineering study programme.
Knowledge and the systematic understanding of the electronics and electrical engineering study field theoretical fundamentals and concepts, corresponding to the electrical energetics engineering study programme.
Have consistently associated electronics and electrical engineering knowledge, corresponding to the electrical energetics engineering study programme.
Knowledge of a wider multidisciplinary engineering context, able to apply the methods and processes of other scientific fields.
Able to find required scientific and professional information using the databases or other information sources.
Able to plan and conduct required experiments, process and assess the data, provide conclusions.
Have practical skills in the equipment operation, which is used in the electronics and electrical engineering study field, corresponding, to the electrical energetics engineering study programme.
Able to apply their knowledge and understanding for the formulation and solution of the electronics and electrical engineering problems using appropriate methods, corresponding to the electrical energetics engineering study programme.
Able to apply their knowledge and understanding for the formulation and analysis of the electrical energetics engineering problems, able to provide solutions by selection of the appropriate methods, experimental and the industrial equipment.
Able to select and apply appropriate electronics and electrical engineering study field analytical and simulation methods, corresponding to the electrical energetics engineering study programme.
Able to apply engineering knowledge and understanding of the electronics and electrical engineering study field, corresponding to the electrical energetics engineering study programme, for the development and implementation of the projects, which meet the specific requirements.
Able to understand and apply the design methodologies of the electrical energetics systems.
Able to select and apply appropriate methods, tools and equipment for the implementation of the engineering solutions, will know the structure, working principle and functions of the equipment, will have the initial equipment operation skills.
Able to combine the theoretical and applied knowledge for the solution of the engineering problems.
Understands and evaluates the ethical, enviromental safety and commercial aspects of the engineering activity.
Understand the organisational principles of the engineering activity, the major requirements and importance of the work and fire safety, the interactions of the engineering activity links.
Able to work effectively independently and as a member of a team.
Able to communicate with engineering community and general society.
Holistically understand the effects of engineering solutions on the society and the environment, able to comply with professional ethics and standards of engineering, understand the responsibility for the engineering activity.
Understands the projects management, business aspects and the interaction between technological solutions and the economical consequences.
Understand the need for, able to prepare and recognise the importance of the life-long learning.
Activities of teaching and learning:
The programme has been developed to form a student-friendly learning environment, focusing on the lecturer’s work in the area and promoting the uptake of the new knowledge based on the practical tasks and scientific research. The teaching and learning methods such as problem-based teaching and problem-based assignments, case studies, individual and group works, brainstorming, presentations, course project, etc. are applied in the process.
The problem involves student-oriented tutorials and laboratory works, which are based on the group work and are dedicated for the development of the practical skills, social skills and promote the workplace learning through the laboratory practice.
Course projects and the individual tasks promote students to work independently, foster analysis and problem-solving skills in electric and electronics engioneering. Students prepare for the laboratory works, intermediate exams, final exams independently, while the final thesis and work practice are performed under supervision.
Private consultations are included in each module, which allows to adapt to the individual needs of the students.
Methods of assessment of learning achievements:
The diagnostic (carried out in order to evaluate student’s achievements and progress made by the end of the course), formative (assement during the course study process), cumulative (summation of the intermediate course evaluations) and summary (final confirmation of the students achievements by the end of the programme) assesment methods are applied in the programme. The cumulative ten-point system is applied. During the semester the student progress assesment is also evaluated using interim assesment methods (colloquia, laboratory works, work reports, oral presentations, work reports on individual or group work, etc.)
Separate modules have either individual or peer assessment methods. During the peer review, the assessment is performed by the group of the lecturers (or) engineering professionals – academics, representatives of social partners, which form commission.
Study subjects (modules), practical training:
Speciality language culture
Speciality foreign language
Public communication
Linear algebra and calculus
Integrals. Differential equations. Rows
Additional analysis and probability theory sections
Introduction to electrical energetics engineering
Fundamentals of prognostics and computer-aided simulation
Electronic devices
Signal and circuits I, II
Digital devices
Design of electronic devices
Engineering and computer graphics
Procedural programming
Object-oriented programming
Applied power electronics
Electrical machines
Electronic converters
Electromagnetic field theory
Script programming
Theoretical electrical engineering
Fundamentals of electronics
Human safety
Computer logic
Mechatronic devices
Fundamentals of project management
Energetics politics
Practical training
Final thesis I, II, III
Renewable energy technologies
Electric energy generation
Electrical grids
Substations and transformers
Electrical grid diagnostics, automation and protection
Control of electrical systems
Energetics systems planning
High voltage direct current systems
Free choice I, II
Optional courses:
You can choose the same course additional courses, you can choose courses from another field of science, and you can freely choose additional general subjects or course project topics.
Distinctive features of a study programme:
The programme involves social partners with a vast professional work experience in the field of electrical energetics engineering, which makes it possible to highlight and focus the latest and the most relevant engineering problems in the field, thus the preparation of the competitive specialists could be performed.
Access to professional activity or further study:
Access to professional activity:
The study programme graduates can successfully work as engineers, department heads, developers or perform expert activites in:

Electrical energetics companies:
(AB “AmberGrid, AB “Lietuvos energija”, AB “Lietuvos energijos gamyba”, AB “Litgrid”, AB “Lesto”, UAB “Vilniaus energija”, AB “Kauno energija”, UAB “Simatika”, etc.)
Electrical and electronics equipment engineering companies: (AB “Beijer Electonics”, UAB “BM Service”, UAB “Olio”, UAB “Bukrita”, UAB “Phoenix Contact”, UAB “Teltonika”, TŪB “Gepa”, etc.)
Electrical and automation systems installation and engineering: (UAB “Enerstena VS”, UAB “Elektrosita”, UAB “ISS Baltic”, UAB “Vytrita”, UAB “ABB”, UAB “Siemens”, UAB “Axis Industries”, UAB “Baltic Agency Service”, etc.)

The graduates will be also able to develop their own bussiness.
Access to further study:
Graduates can continue their studies at masters level in the field of electronics and electrical engineering or adjacent fields in Lithuania and abroad.