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Transport Logistics Technologies

Language of instruction


Qualification degree and (or) qualification to be awarded

Professional Bachelor of Engineering Sciences

Place of delivery

Marijampolė, P. Armino g. 92-4, LT-68125

Institution that has carried out assessment

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Institution that has performed accreditation, accreditation term

Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras, 8/31/2020

Data provided or updated (date)


Order on accreditation

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Summary of the Profile

Objective(s) of a study programme:
Objective(s) of a study programme: To prepare land transportation engineering professional bachelors, capable of planning, organizing, managing, and controlling land transportation technological process.
Objective(s) of parallel studies: to prepare business professional bachelors, capable of creating a company, carrying out market research, planning activities of a company (department), organizing activities of a company (department), managing employees, carrying out business status control, carrying out business development.
Learning outcomes:
Knowledge about general requirements for goods transportation
Knowledge about general natural sciences physical and chemical processes and phenomena
Knowledge about constructions of transportation means, principles of their maintenance and use.
Will characterize constructional and maintenance materials
Skills to carry out a research
Will analyze and evaluate business environment.
Will analyze and evaluate characteristics of goods, steams of goods.
Will analyze maintenance characteristics of transportation means
Special skills
Will manage the technological process of goods transportation
Will base ongoing plans on economical calculations
Will integrate transportation processes into logistics system.
Will organize loading work and storage activity.
Will evaluate the results of technological process of transportation.
(economic and safety approach)
Social skills
Will communicate, provide work results in correct written and spoken national and at least one foreign language for various audiences
Will be able to think systematically and logically, analyze and evaluate information.
Personal skills
Will understand the impact of engineering decisions for society and environment.
Will understand the responsibility for engineering activity results.

Parallel study field management studies outcomes:
Will know peculiarities of international market
Will know the roles of employees in a company
Will know business as a system.
Skills to carry out research
Will carry out market research
Will analyze and evaluate business environment
Will provide information to consumers
Special skills
Will use legal acts, regulating the chosen business area
Will make company plans
Will organize continuous work process in the company and its departments
Will ensure the quality of activity.
Will manage changes
Will manage human, financial and material resources
Social skills
Will be able to communicate and collaborate with interested parties
Will think creatively and logically, will be able to make decisions.
Personal skills
Will be socially responsible
Will be able to individually develop professional competence
Will understand the responsibility for activity results
Activities of teaching and learning:
Lectures oriented to students, work with scientific literature and sources, research work, tasks, illustrational and experimental laboratory works (physics, electrotechnics, chemistry); technical construction and modelling, problematical teaching, case analysis, projects, work in small and big groups, discussions and reflection, creative writing, active information search, teaching by using computer programs; learning in the professional activity place, observation, consultation, individual work.
Methods of assessment of learning achievements:
Application of formative, integrated and final evaluation methods – examination in oral and written, colloquium, tests, examination in written and oral, map of terms and concepts, demonstration of practical skills, review of literature and information sources, synopsis, making and analysis of structural schemes, case analysis, folder method, problematic situation analysis, project, research work, course work, preparation of practice diary and report, public demonstration and presentation of practical, individual works, bachelor work and public presentation of bachelor work.
Study subjects (modules), practical training:
General College Subjects : Basics of Economics, Foreign language (English/German), Foreign language (Russian)
Study Field Subjects: Basics of Management, Mathematics, Information Technology, Physics, Chemistry, Electrotechnics and Electronics, Logistics, Engineering Graphics, Lorries and Superstructures, Transportation Law, Technical Mechanics, Science of Materials, Technologies of Cargo Transportation, Basics of Technical Maintenance, Environment and Human Safety, Transportation Systems and Infrastructure, Loading technologies, Organization of Transport Company’s Activity, Dangerous Cargos.
Practices: Transportation Means Practice, Logistics Practice, Cargo Transportation Practice, Final Practice
Parallel Management Study Subjects
Finances and Taxes, Management, Marketing and Market Research, Business Economics, Basics of Accounting, Human Resources Management, Quality Management, Business Law, International Trade, Leadership Psychology ;Final Practice
Specialisations: —
Optional courses:
Management Field: Finances and Taxes, Marketing and Market Research, Human Resources Management
Information Technologies: Basics of Geographical Information Systems, Information Technologies of Project Management.
Transportation Field: Customs Procedures, Intellectual Transportation Systems
Distinctive features of a study programme:
Option to choose parallel study field and acquire double qualification degree.
Extended possibilities for e-learning; use of computer programs for studies.