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Language of instruction

english, lithuanian

Qualification degree and (or) qualification to be awarded

Bachelor of Health Sciences
General practice nurse

Place of delivery

Kaunas, A. Mickevičiaus g. 9, LT-44307

Institution that has carried out assessment

No data

Institution that has performed accreditation, accreditation term

Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras, 6/30/2022

Data provided or updated (date)


Order on accreditation

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Summary of the Profile

General description: Objective(s) of a study programme: To prepare nurses who are knowledgeable and able to apply evidence-based nursing practice, who have a broad knowledge of nursing science, and who are able to independently and critically assess the care needs of healthy and chronically ill people Learning outcomes: Know and apply the principles of communication, ethics, and legal regulations. Have knowledge of and the ability to evaluate physiological and pathological processes of human

development in healthy and diseased individuals. Know the general pharmacological effects of drugs on the human body. Understand, critically evaluate, and effectively apply the principles of nursing theory and nursing models. Be able to identify aetiological individual, group and community health problems and provide nursing care in accordance with the principles of person-centred care in a variety of health care settings. Be able to conduct research and develop evidence-based nursing practice. Be able to work and lead as part of a team to organise and coordinate patient care Be able to use information and communication technologies in healthcare settings. Be able to organise and deliver health education and promote healthy lifestyles for healthy and sick people. Activities of teaching and learning: Methods of student achievement assessment: The study of each subject (module) ends with an examination or an independent work (project). Framework: Study subjects (modules), practical training: In the BSc Nursing programme, you will study subjects (modules) such as Biomedical Sciences, Health Care, Fundamentals of Clinical Skills, Health Sciences, Fundamentals of Clinical Subjects, Community Nursing, Interprofessional Communication, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research Methodology etc. Clinical nursing placements are carried out each year in different departments and in different medical institutions. Specializations: - Optional courses: Distinctive features of a study programme: The Bachelor of Nursing programme offers attractive modular learning in a modern environment. Innovative teaching methods and digital technologies are used to acquire theoretical knowledge. Practical skills are developed in healthcare settings, applying theoretical, evidence-based knowledge in patient care planning. Access to professional activity or further study: Access to professional activity: Upon completion of this study programme, the graduate is prepared for professional activities in the field of health care and can work as a nurse in general practice in all levels of health care in
institutions and institutions: hospitals, polyclinics, children's health care and education, health services, nursing homes, boarding houses, etc., as well as in the home, and / or to pursue a master's degree. Access to further study: The graduates can continue their studies at other universities.