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Language of instruction

english, lithuanian, russian

Qualification degree and (or) qualification to be awarded

Professional Bachelor of Engineering Sciences

Place of delivery

Panevėžys, Laisvės a. 23, LT-35200

Institution that has carried out assessment

Qualifications and Vocational Education and Training Development Centre

Institution that has performed accreditation, accreditation term

Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras, 5/31/2029

Data provided or updated (date)


Order on accreditation

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Summary of the Profile

General description: Objective(s) of the study programme: The goal of the Construction Study Programme (professional bachelor‘s degree in construction engineering) is to equip professionals having attained sufficient knowledge and skills to organize and technically manage construction and repair work in accordance with their qualification, being able to apply optimal and safe construction work methods, make independent decisions, inspect unit activities, work quality and act successfully in competitive market conditions, supporting professional competence in lifelong learning. Learning outcomes: 1. Ability to apply fundamental, humanitarian and social sciences in the field of construction engineering. 2. Ability to understand and be aware of the most important concepts of construction engineering, fundamental regulating principles of construction and apply them in practice. 3. Ability to apply international, European and Lithuanian technical and legal documents for building design and construction. 4. Ability to analyze and evaluate the problems associated with construction activities and use innovative analytical and modelling methods which determine the balance of costs, benefits, safety, quality, reliability, suitability for use and environmental impact. 5. Ability to develop the structural part of building projects, using the relevant software, taking into account the construction environment, aesthetic and architectural aspects, are also aware of the processes of implementation and management of construction projects. 6. Ability to select and adapt design and calculation schemes in accordance with the proposed operating conditions, while designing, apply the principles of static information modelling. 7. Ability to find the necessary professional, scientific and engineering information using relevant databases and other sources of information, interpret data while solving problems of innovation in the field of construction. 8. Ability to apply the laboratory equipment and devices to research building materials and constructions, to measure technical characteristics, process data and draw conclusions. 9. Ability to select rational technologies of building construction, repair work and engineering systems, perform engineering activities taking into account the aspects of energy saving, safety and human impact. 10. Ability to manage the execution of specific construction work, prepare documents of estimates, organize construction company activities, evaluate the ethics of engineering activities as well as environmental protection, work safety and commercial circumstances. 11. Ability to solve engineering problems individually and in a team, evaluate engineering decisions and their impact on the society and environment in an ethical, social and economic point of view, socialize with the community and general public, assume responsibility for the outcomes of engineering activities. 12. Understands the significance of lifelong learning; attains independent learning skills and strives for professional development.
Activities of teaching and learning: Lectures, seminars, practical work, laboratory work, individual work, Professional practice and other teaching and learning activities Methods of the assessment of student academic progress: Tests, project preparation and defence, examinations, questioning, work reviews, colloquiums, practical work, individual assignments and presentation, coursework, implementation and presentation of project tasks and other methods. Examinations and projects are conducted in written and oral form. Student learning outcomes are assessed from 1 to 10 points. Assessments from 1 to 5 points are unsatisfactory. Framework: Study subjects (modules), practical training: Modules (subjects): Basics of Communication, Natural Sciences, Drawing, Basics of Construction, Integrated Construction, Building, Architecture and Structures, Building structures, Construction design, Construction technologies, Legal foundations, A1, Construction law, A1, Digital design (BIM), Construction management, Building engineering systems, A2, Engineering systems management and maintenance A2, Construction project management, A3, Construction management, A3, Free optional subjects (PD1, PD2). Cognitive, geodesic, technological, production, building design, final practice. The volume of subjects in the field of study is 165 credits, of which 36 credits are intended for internships. Specializations: - Optional study subject courses: The student is allowed to select the optional general college study subjects, confirmed by the college director‘s resolution (OS1, OS2) as well as alternatively optional subjects, foreseen by the Study Programme Committee and included in the plan of studies. Specification of the study programme: Access to professional activities or further education: Access to professional activity: The acquired professional bachelor‘s degree in construction engineering entitles working as job managers, designers, construction managers and technologists in construction and design companies, self-governing institutions or set up their private business. Access to further education: Graduates can seek their learning outcomes to be included if they intend to continue their studies according to the university study programme of the first cycle. Having completed the supplementary studies or having accomplished the requirements of other higher education institutions, graduates are allowed to enter the second cycle master degree studies.