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Management of Biological Systems

Language of instruction


Qualification degree and (or) qualification to be awarded

Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences

Place of delivery

K. Donelaičio g. 58, Kaunas

Institution that has carried out assessment

Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras

Institution that has performed accreditation, accreditation term

Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras, 6/30/2020

Data provided or updated (date)


Order on accreditation

More about programme

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Summary of the Profile

General Description: The aim of the study program is to prepare specialists in Agricultural Sciences who are able to develop and implement sustainable, innovative, and competitive bio-business models by using interdisciplinary knowledge of the management of components of biological systems, information technology, economics, management, and financial management in order to achieve the objectives of the European Green Deal on the basis of research and analysis of market developments and bio-business models. Biological Systems Management is an interdisciplinary, wide-scope study program that allows students to acquire knowledge and skills in other fields, which can be applied when working in various bio-business sectors, enabling them to understand, develop, and manage technologies used in a variety of modern biological systems. The program applies innovative study methods and aims at active participation of students in the study process. During internships, students are provided with an opportunity to get acquainted with the elements and technologies of biological systems. In the 4th year of studies, depending on the needs and the number of students in the program, students are allowed to choose one of the offered specializations, which cover various areas of bioindustry. Specialization studies are organized when a cost-effective group of students is formed.
Upon completion of the study program, a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Sciences is awarded.

Objective(s) of a study programme:
Theobjective of the study program is to prepare specialists in Agricultural Sciences who are able to develop and implement sustainable, innovative, and competitive bio-business models by using interdisciplinary knowledge of the management of components of biological systems, information technology, economics, management, and financial management in order to achieve the objectives of the European Green Deal on the basis of research and analysis of market developments and bio-business models.
Learning outcomes:
The graduates of the program will be able to:
1. Define the regularities of the development of components of agrobiosystems —soil, plants, and animals.
2. Describe and evaluate the peculiarities of technologies of sustainable biosystems and define measures and agro-innovations used for the regulation of the values of quantitative and qualitative indicators of production.
3. Describe the peculiarities of agricultural economics and business management, explain the functions and principles of the management of production processes, analyze and evaluate the factors of the business environment.
5. Plan and conduct scientific research, statistically evaluate, analyze, and summarize research data required for the management of biological systems and the implementation of the objectives of the European Green Deal, innovation and professional communication.
6. Assess soil and plant potentials, environmental factors contributing to plant development and the impact of anthropogenic activities on climate change.
7. Evaluate and select sustainable plant and animal production technologies and implement them in practice, combining the principles of sustainable agriculture with innovation and circular economy models.
8. Plan and organize the activities of bio-business entities, prepare a project for the implementation of innovations, and provide sources of financing for the activities.
9. Communicate orally and in writing, constructively discuss business issues, work in a team, provide feedback, and take responsibility.
10. Learn and work independently towards personal and professional goals and understand the importance of lifelong learning.
Activities of teaching and learning:

Methods of assessment of learning

Study subjects (modules), practical

1. Management of Bio-business
2. Fishery and Aquaculture Business
3. Sustainable Animal Husbandry
4. Integrated Agroecosystem Management
5. Management of Ecosystems and Climate C
6. Bioenergy
Optional courses:

Distinctive features of a study

Access to professional activity or further study:
Access to professional activity:
Graduates will be able to work in agricultural production, bio-business enterprises, agricultural governmental and non-governmental organizations, raw material processing enterprises, agricultural advisory institutions, public and budgetary institutions, and to create and develop business.
Access to further study:
Graduates who have completed the study program “Management of Biological Systems” and obtained a bachelor's degree in agricultural sciences will have the opportunity to continue their studies in master's degree programs in agricultural sciences and related specializations.