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Quality and Safety of Food Plant Raw Materials

Language of instruction


Qualification degree and (or) qualification to be awarded

Master of Agricultural sciences

Place of delivery

K. Donelaičio g. 58, Kaunas

Institution that has carried out assessment

Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras

Institution that has performed accreditation, accreditation term

Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras, 5/12/2029

Data provided or updated (date)


Order on accreditation

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Summary of the Profile

General Description:
Objective(s) of a study programme:
to train highly qualified specialists in the field of Food studies who are able to independently manage sustainable food production systems, implement innovations and analyse their impact on the environment and human beings, to solve problems related to providing the public with quality, health-friendly food, planning and conducting research and putting the acquired knowledge into practice
Learning outcomes:
Studente is able to:
• identify the quality and safety problems of plant food raw materials that reflect the needs of society as well as to explain their solutions based on scientific principles;
• define the determinants of quality and safety of food raw material, to describe and to select food raw material quality assessment methods as well as food quality management systems;
• apply the latest scientific knowledge in the development of innovative raw materials and products, applying the principles of sustainable production as well as assessing the impact of their production process on society and the environment;
• formulate a scientific hypothesis defining the quality of plant food raw materials, to select innovative quality assessment methods, to independently plan research on raw material quality assessment;
• independently and, in a group, to carry out planned research, to analyse research results, to evaluate and to interpret them, to prepare scientific conclusions of the evaluation of plant food raw materials and recommendations for the improvement of food raw materials and products management process;
• assess the quality and safety issues of plant food raw materials and products in the handling, storage and processing of raw materials related to the impact on the environment, human health, and public welfare;
• identify and to apply food quality management systems, as well as to comply with environmental and ethical requirements in primary production and food management chain;
• identify the factors necessary for the optimization of production processes of innovative food raw materials and products, to make complex process improvement decisions and to assess their impact on the society and the environment;
• present information in a clear, reasoned manner and to communicate with specialists in various fields of science; is able to organize work independently and/or in a team, to be a team leader, to responsibly apply interdisciplinary knowledge in the food sector as well as to critically evaluate decisions and to select the best one;
• describe the chemical composition of food raw materials and products, the properties of food components and their interactions, and understands the impact of food quality and nutrition on the quality of human life;
• describe the processes of production, processing, spoilage and decomposition of food raw materials and products, to select appropriate methods of their control as well as to explain the impact of these processes on the quality and safety of raw materials and products;
• formulate a scientific hypothesis, to select innovative methods of quality assessment of food raw materials and products, to plan and to conduct research, to statistically evaluate, to analyse and to summarize research results required to ensure the quality and safety of food raw materials and products throughout the food management chain;
• analyse and to critically evaluate the factors influencing raw material and food management processes, ensuring sustainable production, respecting human health and the environment;
• select appropriate raw materials, equipment, tools, processes and methods for handling food raw materials and products;
• apply quality management systems to control and to evaluate the quality and safety of food raw materials and products at all stages of primary production and food handling;
• communicate and to collaborate in solving food management tasks, to present information in a clear, reasoned manner and to collaborate with specialists in various fields of science;
• make decisions independently and/or in a team, to critically evaluate and to apply the knowledge in practice, making decisions that ensure food quality and safety;
• think critically, to solve problems, to work independently and in a group, to make responsible decisions and to adapt to a changing environment as well as to understand the need for lifelong learning and career planning.
Activities of teaching and learning:
Narration, interpretation, case studies, discussion, analysis of problematic examples and questions, video review, interpretation, illustration, discussions, performance of practical tasks; analysis of scientific sources
Methods of assessment of learning achievements:
Evaluation of case studies, monitoring of debates, case study evaluation, evaluation of problem solutions, evaluation of the analysis of the performed practical tasks, written survey, observation of discussions; evaluation of the analysis of completed practical tasks, written survey, evaluation of a report, testing
Study subjects (modules), practical training:
Chemistry of plant food raw materials; Quality and safety management of plant food raw materials; Research planning and analysis; Chemical safety of plant raw materials; Methods for assessing the quality of plant food raw materials; Research work I; Quality of agroecosystem and crop production;
Microbiological contamination of plant food raw materials and toxins; Research work II; Human ecology and environmental epidemiology; Career management modelling; Consumer law and education; Final thesis
Optional courses:
Enhancing plant genetic diversity by biotechnological methods; Educational public health promotion; Novel foods of plant origin; Food allergens; Biodegradation of organic compounds; Bioethics
Distinctive features of a study programme:
The study field programmes are unique because of their interdisciplinarity, covering agronomy and engineering study fields, and trained specialists who acquire competencies important at all stages of the food chain, from growing, preparing, and processing quality raw materials to safe delivery to the consumer. Therefore, employers are interested in ensuring the employment of graduates of these study programmes in their companies.
Access to professional activity or further study:
Access to professional activity:
graduates may work as managers of primary production and food management companies or be production process workers; consultants, project managers, experts in companies or institutions operating in the food sector; researchers in food science and study institutions and integrated science, study and business centres; teachers; senior and principal specialists in public administration institutions; to create their own business
Access to further study:
to continue studies in doctoral studies