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Public Administration

Language of instruction


Qualification degree and (or) qualification to be awarded

Bachelor of Public Administration
Bachelor of Social Sciences

Place of delivery

K. Donelaičio g. 58, Kaunas

Institution that has carried out assessment

No data

Institution that has performed accreditation, accreditation term

Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras, 3/1/2030

Data provided or updated (date)


Order on accreditation

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Summary of the Profile

General Description:
Objective(s) of a study programme:
To prepare highly qualified specialists in public administration and politics, able to creatively apply gained during the study process competencies, perform public service tasks with a strong sense of responsibility and high effectiveness.
Learning outcomes:
-Know and have skills to apply theories and conceptions of public policy and administration, public management, politics and international relations while executing concrete functions of the agencies or organizations of the public and nongovernmental sector, or functions of the civil society organizations;
-Be able to theoretically define and explain peculiarities of the political process, recognize, analyse and characterise tendencies in political life;
-Have skills to prepare legal acts and other documents related to public administration, formation and implementation of the public policy, be able to evaluate, explain and comment them;
-Be able to plan, organise, execute and evaluate performance of the state agency, political institution or civil society organisation, with due regard to the knowledge of the dependencies of such performance on the peculiarities of the functioning political and administrative;
-Be able to follow principles of democratic, responsible and effective public service.
Activities of teaching and learning:
Independent search, filing and analysis of information and scientific sources;
Case analysis;
Simulations of practical situations;
Group discussions;
Preparation of presentations;
Observational and informational visits at the central government institutions, state and municipal agencies, civil society organizations.
Methods of assessment of learning achievements:
Tests, assessment of individual and group work, assessment of other tasks, exams.
Study subjects (modules), practical training:
Core of the study programme consists of the study subject in the fields of public administration and politics. Internship is usually done at the public administration agencies, but can be done in political or civil society organisation as well.
Main study subjects/modules:
Introduction into the Public Administration, Fundamentals of Political Science, Organisational and Bureau Culture, Fundamentals of International Relations, Political Philosophy, Political Sociology, Social Psychology, Lithuanian Political System and Tradition, Public Management and Public Sector Reforms, Civil Service Human Resource Management, Macroeconomics, Public Finances, Institutions of the European Union, Public Administration and Public Governance Systems, Local Government Systems, Ethics of Politicians and Civil Servants, Public Law, Management of Public Services, Public Security Organisations, Public Sector and Public Policy, Lithuanian Foreign Policy, Human Development, Research Methods in Public Policy and Public Administration, Speciality Language and Fundamentals of Academic Writing.
Optional courses:
Comparative Constitutional Law, Introduction to Diplomacy, Evolution of the Lithuanian Political System, Policy of the Energetic Security, Technologies of the Electoral Campaigns, Geopolitics, Civil Society Organisations, Contemporary Political Philosophy, Parliamentarism and Parliamentary Activity of the Political Parties.
Distinctive features of a study programme:
Qualification degree in the two study fields: public administration and political science. Programme is oriented towards equally thorough knowledge of the theory and practise of public administration and politics, broader understanding of public service requirements in various political and organisational contexts, formation of dispositions favourite to effective and responsible civic activities.
Access to professional activity or further study:
Access to professional activity:
Graduates of the Programme can work as specialists in the central government, other state and/or municipal agencies responsible for the formation and implementation of the public policy, civil society and political organizations.
Access to further study:
Graduates of the Programme will be eligible to continue studies in the Master study programs of the social sciences.