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World Politics and Economics

Language of instruction

belorussian, english, russian

Qualification degree and (or) qualification to be awarded

Bachelor of Social Sciences

Place of delivery

Vilnius, Savičiaus g. 17, LT-01127

Institution that has carried out assessment

Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras

Institution that has performed accreditation, accreditation term

Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras, 7/31/2024

Data provided or updated (date)


Order on accreditation

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Summary of the Profile

General Description:
Objective(s) of a study programme:
To prepare qualified graduates with a dual specialization in the field of politics and economics as specialists with an integrated understanding of the fundamentals of their discipline as well as to provide them with interdisciplinary connections that will enable them to successfully integrate into changing political and economic, global and local contexts in Europe, Lithuania, Belarus and in other countries. The aim of the study program corresponds to the mission of the European Humanities University (EHU), i.e. y Facilitate and deepen the contribution of students, graduates and lecturers to the quality and potential of their lives and their respective civil societies; as well as the values of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU), t. y To be critical and committed, international and multilingual and to promote creativity in science, as stated in the institution's mission statement and vision statement.
Learning outcomes:
Graduates of the program:
1. Will be able to apply the concepts, theories and methods of political science to the analysis of political ideas, institutions, practices, public, internal and international relations and global problems, as well as to justify the topical issues of the selected scientific topic from a public point of view.
2. To be able to search, collect and critically evaluate important and necessary information from various possible primary and secondary sources using the latest information technologies and academic databases.
3. Will be able to carry out research, apply creatively and critically the methods of economic and economic analysis, use the achievements and methods of fundamental and applied research, form the conclusions of analysis and research.
4. Will be able to collect and analyze data, evaluate key economic and business principles, concepts and categories, provide prospects and models of economic process management.
5. Ability to find, process, interpret and apply research results in shaping the solution of social problems by predicting trends in economic phenomena in a broad socio-economic context.
6. Will be able to analyze and evaluate the peculiarities of optimization of performance indicators and decision making in individuals and organizations in various economic systems and markets, the importance of the national macroeconomic environment and rapid global economic changes and their impact on the activities of enterprises and organizations.
7. Will be able to assess and predict economic changes in organizations, nationally and internationally, using mathematical, statistical analysis, information, econometric knowledge and methods.
8. Will be able to collect, analyze and manage the data necessary for the solution of important economic, social and ethical problems of organizations and countries, and provide recommendations for their solution.
9. Will be able to plan, organize, implement and evaluate economic processes, independently selecting comprehensive technological, organizational and methodical tools.
Activities of teaching and learning:
The United World Politics and Economics Program is aimed at students from Lithuania, Belarus and other countries who seek to deepen their knowledge and skills in areas such as Political Systems, Institutions and Ideologies, Public Policy, EU Policies and World Politics, Benchmarking, International Relations and Governance , Development Policy and Strategies of International Organizations, Introduction to Finance, International Economics and International Business Economics, Migration Policy and Ethnic Relations, EU Financial System, EU Economy and Monetary Policy, Labor Economics and EU Policies, Regional and Social Policy of the EU.
Methods of assessment of learning achievements:
Student learning achievements are assessed during the middle semester, other intermediate tasks (tests, writing tasks defense and individual tasks) and during the examination or defense of a work (project) that has been independently performed. The final grade consists of a series of intermediate tasks and examinations (or a student's self-directed work (project) defense). Exam grades make up at least 30%. final grade. The components of the final semester examination for individual semester examinations are determined in accordance with the compulsory score ratio provided for in the Bachelor's study regulations, and the information about it is published by the course teacher during the first meetings and is indicated in the course description.
Study subjects (modules), practical training:
Distribution of subjects The World Politics and Economics Program in two areas corresponds to the following structure: 240 ECTS credits, minus 48 ECTS credits for liberal arts courses, practicum and bachelor's work integrated in both fields of study, and 192 ECTS credits are distributed among policies (112 ECTS credits) and Economics (80 ECTS credits) subjects.
Access to professional activity or further study:
Access to professional activity:
Graduates will be able to work in international and national organizations, government, self-governing and media institutions, political parties, non-governmental organizations, private companies, that is, where there is a need for policy and economics professionals who are well acquainted with political, economic and social processes, manage them compare different countries and can initiate, organize and implement various political, social, economic, and media activities.
Access to further study:
Graduates will be well prepared to continue their studies in the Master's program or to conduct practical work in the government and the public sector.