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Cultural Heritage and Tourism

Language of instruction

belorussian, english, russian

Qualification degree and (or) qualification to be awarded

Bachelor of Humanities

Place of delivery

Vilnius, Savičiaus g. 17, LT-01127

Institution that has carried out assessment

Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras

Institution that has performed accreditation, accreditation term

Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras, 8/31/2019

Data provided or updated (date)


Order on accreditation

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Summary of the Profile

General Description:
Objective(s) of a study programme:
The aim of the programme is to train specialists in the field of cultural heritage providing them with broad university education, knowledge and understanding of heritage resources and their application for the needs of contemporary society, particularly, the field of tourism, as well as with competences to carry out research work and apply its results in practice, and the ability to act in a dynamic professional environment.
Learning outcomes:
• Knowledge of the heritage resources and ability for their independent identification (focused on Belarus in a broader regional and world perspective);
• Knowledge of the basic theories on heritage and ability to apply them in research;
• Knowledge of the tourism field and its relation to the heritage resources;
• Knowledge of foreign languages and ability to use them in the professional field;
• Knowledge of IT and ability to use it in the professional field.
• Ability to conduct independent basic scientific research (to define objectives and tasks, to apply adequate research methods, to collect data, to formulate reasoned conclusions);
• Ability to propose practical application of research results;
• Ability to understand various research methods, strategies and perspectives, as well as results of research works carried out earlier and to assess their reliability.
• Comprehension of the professional field in the context of humanities and social sciences;
• Ability to present (in writing and orally) results and conclusions of research carried out;
• Ability to communicate in foreign languages in the professional field;
• Ability to use various information search tools, bibliographical sources, archives, etc.
• Ability to respect cultural variety, to undertake moral responsibility for his/her activities;
• Ability to work in a group, react adequately and adapt to a dynamic professional environment;
• Comprehension of ethical, social, political contexts of the field of heritage and heritage application and use for the needs of the contemporary society, as well as ability to apply knowledge in practice.
• Ability to apply critical thinking;
• Ability to make decisions, to creatively solve problems that arise in his/her working activity;
• Ability to manage information, to communicate orally and in writing;
• Ability to continuously improve professional competences.
Activities of teaching and learning:
Lectures, seminars, project activities, other creative tasks. Face-to-face studies are combined with distance learning in the Moodle platform in high-residence study mode. Low-residence study mode is based on distance-learning.
Methods of assessment of learning achievements:
Examinations (written and oral);
Written research papers;
Other creative tasks;
Study subjects (modules), practical training:
The study programme consists of three main parts: general university study courses; courses in the study field including courses of specialisation in tourism. Great attention is paid to general university study courses (60 credits), which include a variety of compulsory and elective courses on the first and second year of studies. In accordance with the mission of the University, many of the courses focus on understanding and perceiving the content of the phenomenon of the European cultural tradition (Nature of Humanities, European Historical Consciousness: Past and Present, etc.). Besides this, learning foreign languages (English language, Lithuanian language and Culture) and IT courses are also seen as an integral part of the general university education. The courses in the study field aim at acquiring knowledge about heritage resources and ability for their independent identification, knowledge of basic theories of heritage and ability to apply them in research works and for the needs of the contemporary society (for example: Introduction to the Theory of Cultural Heritage, Interpretation of Cultural Heritage, Fundamentals of Museum Studies, Immovable Historical and Cultural Heritage: Theories, Use and Development, Development of Cultural Heritage for Tourism, etc.). Lastly, students study specialised courses, which aim at acquisition of practical skills of using the cultural heritage and the ‘technology’ of tourism industry (for example, such courses as Tourism Management, Tourism Economics, Tourism Marketing, etc.). In total, 15 credits are allocated to practical training in the programme. The programme includes several types of practical training: integrated practical training (e.g. Guiding Practice), or internships in various organizations (Tourism and Recreation Internship, Pre-Graduation Internship). The programme includes study of the second Western European languages (French/German languages). Studies are completed with writing the Bachelor’s final thesis (12 credits).
Students can choose “Tourism” specialization.
Optional courses:
Optional course are suggested mainly in the general university studies. The model includes two levels: first year students are offered the basic block of core courses that are oriented to form fundamental common competencies in social knowledge and humanities; this is followed by 5 modules of elective courses on the second year (‘Politics and Law’; ‘Philosophy and Religion’; ‘History, Literature and Art’; ‘Economy, Sociology and Psychology’; ‘English Language for Special Purposes’).
Distinctive features of a study programme:
Courses of general university studies, broad education in humanities are acquired. Language learning occupies a significant space and includes study of two Western European languages (English and French/German languages), as well as Lithuanian language and culture.
Access to professional activity or further study:
Access to professional activity:
The graduates of the 1st cycle programme can be employed by public and private institutions involved in heritage preservation and tourism activities, as well as in application and use of heritage in various fields of contemporary life. The programme facilitates acquisition of specialised knowledge in tourism and heritage studies, along with broad knowledge in humanities, knowledge of foreign languages, information and communication technologies, as well as analytical, critical and creative competences, thus creating preconditions for active inclusion and competitiveness of the graduates in the labour market.
Access to further study:
II cycle study programmes in humanities and social sciences.