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Railway Transport Engineering

Language of instruction


Qualification degree and (or) qualification to be awarded

Professional Bachelor of Engineering Sciences

Place of delivery

Vilnius, Antakalnio g. 54, LT-10303

Institution that has carried out assessment

Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras

Institution that has performed accreditation, accreditation term

Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras, 7/31/2028

Data provided or updated (date)


Order on accreditation

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Summary of the Profile

General Description:
Objective(s) of a study programme: To prepare competitive, highly-qualified specialists, who are able to plan, organize, solve technical, technological and managerial tasks in railway systems and traction rolling stock activities.
Learning outcomes:
Knowledge and its application:
Will know general physical and chemical processes and phenomena of natural sciences that explain happenings of natural and technological environment, also general regularities and laws of mathematics in order to understand the fundamental basics of Railway Transport Engineering. Will get acquainted with the most important concepts of Transport engineering study field, will be able to understand their content. Will have basic knowledge of railway transport engineering, traction rolling stock structures, principles of performance, structural and exploitation materials, railway infrastructure, communication systems, constructions of railway management systems/structures, principles of their operation and maintenance. Will be able to apply professional knowledge to solve technical, technological and operational problems of railway management systems/structures and traction rolling stock, to creatively apply known methods. Will be able to apply analytical and modelling methods assessing the technical state of separate components of traction rolling stock also the state of railway system equipment, to carry out, organize, and control technological processes of traction rolling stock, railway management systems/structures performance, maintenance and supervision in line with the foreseen requirements. Will understand the design methodology and will be able to apply it while designing separate components of traction rolling stock, technological processes of maintenance and repair, railway traffic management systems/structures, railway stations and lines, sidings and yards.
Competences to carry out research:
Will be able to find proper professional information using information technologies, data bases, software and other scientific and engineering information resources. Will be able to carry out necessary tests for railway transport engineers for solving problems, practical and laboratory works, process their results and present practical conclusions of these results. Will have skills to operate technological equipment and will be able to choose proper means for decisions formalizing.
Special skills:
Will be able to select engineering solutions, as well as means and equipment needed to perform, design, organize and control technological process of management, diagnostics and control of railway systems and traction rolling stock. Will be able to combine theoretical and applied knowledge while solving engineering issues of safe operation of railway systems and traction rolling stock. Will understand ethical, environmental, economic and commercial considerations of engineering activity. Will be able to understand operational principles of engineering activity, will know the main requirements for human and fire safety.
Social skills:
Will be able to solve engineering challenges individually and in a team. Will be able to communicate in correct Lithuanian language and at least one foreign language with the engineering community and the general public.
Personal skills:
Will comprehend the importance of the impact of engineering problems on society and environment, will obey the norms of professional ethics and engineering activities, will understand responsibility for the results of engineering activities. Will be aware of the main aspects of project implementation and management for IS creation, installation or development on the level of engineering activities. Will comprehend the importance for individual professional development, lifelong learning and will prepare for it.
Teaching and learning activities:
Lectures, consultations, practical tasks and course papers, individual work, practices of professional activities. Students accomplish practical tasks individually or in groups.
Methods of assessment of learning achievements:
The student ‘s knowledge, skills and abilities acquired while studying subjects of a study programme are assessed after completing of individual assignments performed during the semester and exam session. The achieved learning outcomes after completion of subject studies are assessed attributing them to the levels of achievement: excellent, typical and threshold.
Study subjects (modules), practical training:
General College Study Subjects:
Foreign Language, Professional Contemporary Lithuanian, Environmental and Human Safety and alternatively optional subjects (Sociology, Psychology, Professional Ethics – selected one of them).
Subjects of the Study Field:
Mathematics, Physics, Computer Design, Engineering Graphics, Information Technologies, Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Engineering Mechanics, Applied Research, Material Science, Railway Rolling Stock, Rolling Stock Exploitation, Traction Theory of Rolling Stock, Microprocessor Systems, Railways and Station Equipment, Station Technology Design, Engineering Economics, Railway Flow Organization, Railway Traffic Safety, Diagnostics Systems of Railway Transport, Power Supply Systems, Project Management.
Special Study Subjects:
Law, optional subjects by choice of students (Welding Technology, Sustainable Transport, Science Shops Project, Rail Wagon Management, Database Programming, Interdisciplinary Project, Electric Traction Rolling Stock, Visual and Protective Systems, Transport System – selected three of them).
Technological Practice, Industrial Practice 1, Industrial Practice 2, Industrial Practice 3, Final Practice.
Completion of Studies:
Studies are completed by defending the Final work individually prepared by a student.
Distinctive features of a study programme:
Upgraded modern laboratories that had been established and supported by international companies Bombardier Transportation (Poland), Bombardier Transportation (Sweden), AŽD Praha (Czech Republic) are being used in the study process. Studies are conducted with application of exceptional modern training simulators, which simulate real rolling stock and train traffic control situations on various routes, simulate the action of voice alarm equipment and of individual elements of rolling stock. Practical activities are performed in real situations in depots and sub- divisions of railway infrastructure. No other higher education school offers study programme with such content. Graduates will be able to deal with technical, technological and management challenges of traction rolling stock, railway traffic management systems: will be able to make decisions on the design of separate components of traction rolling stock, equipment of railway traffic control systems, to ensure safe and efficient organization, exploitation and control of railway rolling stock, to solve tasks of railway traffic operation.
Access to professional activity or further study:
Graduate can work in the divisions of public and private railway companies; supervise railway traction rolling stock, repair of traffic management systems equipment, maintenance works while carrying out managing railway sector projects and handling technical documentation.
Graduate can continue his/her studies having chosen university study programmes in the field of Transport Engineering.