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Master of electrical equipment manufacturing

Title in Lithuanian

Elektros įrangos gamybos meistras, LTKS V

State code


Lithuanian national qualifications framework level

Level 5

European qualifications framework level

Level 5

Description update date

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Object of activities: organization and coordination of electrical equipment production works, supervision of product assembly and installation works, instruction, guidance, quality control. Typical work tools: diagrams, technical and technological drawings, testing and measuring equipment, mounting and measuring tools, pneumatic or electric tools, safety equipment. Typical working conditions: production, storage premises, work at height, in working electrical equipment. Additional information: graduates, who have obtained the qualification of Master of electrical equipment manufacturing, will be able to work in production plants and in their workshops. Competences of qualification:
1. Instruct electrical equipment assembly staff on safety and health issues, supervise compliance with safety requirements.
2. Coordinate workplace preparation according to technical documentation.
3. Select the tools and devices required for the assembly of electrical equipment and troubleshooting.
4. Organize electrical equipment assembly works, coordinate it and lead a group of employees.
5. Ensure the quality, efficiency, economy and environmental friendliness of electrical equipment assembly works.
6. Ensure the quality of the connections of the assembled electrical equipment elements.
7. Measure the resistance and insulation characteristics of contact connections.