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Thermal insulation fitter master

Title in Lithuanian

Fasadų šiltintojas meistras, LTKS V

State code


Lithuanian national qualifications framework level

Level 5

European qualifications framework level

Level 5

Description update date

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Object of activities: insulation of building facades.
Typical work tools: personal protective equipment, scaffolding, ladders, fencing and other lifting equipment, mortar, glue preparation, lubrication tools, mortar mixing tools, drilling, forging and other tools required for building insulation operations, measuring, inspection devices and tools, inventory, glue, studs, paint rollers, paints, sheets, cutting, folding, fixing tools, etc.
Typical working conditions: working outdoors, in various weather conditions, having to work with lifting mechanisms, at height. Due to the specifics of the work, the employee is provided with special clothing.
Additional information: in its activities, the thermal insulation fitter master follows the requirements of occupational safety and health, ergonomics, occupational hygiene, fire safety, environmental requirements, construction norms and rules, other documents regulating facade insulation works and the principles of sustainable construction. Thermal insulation fitter master performs works that require particularly high mastery, makes decisions in atypical situations not detailed in the project, improves work methods and technologies, organizes the work of subordinate, lower-skilled small group (brigade) employees, independently chooses ways and means of solving tasks, teaches lower-skilled employees, assess their competencies. After obtaining this qualification, individuals will be able to work in construction companies.Competences of qualification:
1. Organize preparation and cleaning of facade insulators workplace.
2. Read a working project of a construction.
3. Organize the process of facade finishes panel installation.
4. Organize the process of finishes panel installation inside.
5. Organize the process of framed and non-framed glass construction installation.
6. Install complex framed and non-framed glass constructions.
7. Organize and control the work of lower qualification of facade insulators.
8.Train subordinate facade insulators of lower qualification and assess their competences.
9. Make decisions for the actions in unforeseen situations.