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Language of instruction

english, lithuanian

Qualification degree and (or) qualification to be awarded

Master of Health Sciences
Doctor odontologist

Place of delivery

Vilnius, Universiteto g. 3, LT-01131

Institution that has carried out assessment

No data

Institution that has performed accreditation, accreditation term

Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras, 3/18/2031

Data provided or updated (date)


Order on accreditation

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Summary of the Profile

Objective(s) of a study programme:
To teach students the importance of prevention of oral diseases in everyday work; to develop the ability of student to apply scientific approach in solving clinical situations; to introduce epidemiology of oral diseases; to train to diagnose and treat different dental diseases in patients of different age groups; to teach the student to be able to perceive limits of one’s competence; to provide practical skills sufficient for independent dental practice after graduation; to provide sufficient knowledge about general diseases for the purpose of ensuring safe patients treatment; to develop student’s creativity and scientific research skills.

Learning outcomes:
The objective of the program in Odontology have to possess adequate knowledge of the sciences on which Odontology is based and a good understanding of scientific methods; sufficient knowledge of epidemiology, etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of odontological diseases; sufficient amount of practicals which enable to work self-depended.
Activities of teaching and learning:
Traditional - lectures, seminars, and self-study component to ensure the active participation of students. Innovative methods of study focused on students' creativity and general and specific competences: problem-based learning elements, slow clinical case study, rapid clinical case study, group discussion, brainstorming, self-written work, presentation, research work, etc.
Methods of assessment of learning achievements:
The main form of evaluation is an examination. The exam grade is cumulative and students could get from 30 to 50 percent of exam value gathering points during study semestr. Cumulative score consists of assessment of the practical skills and theoretical tasks performance (essay writing, presentations in the group and etc.) during semester. Examinations and credit tests conducted in writing and/or orally. Students' knowledge grade rate from 1 (very poor) to 10 (excellent) rating in exams.
Study subjects (modules), practical training:
Fundamental subjects of biomedical science; Clinical subjects of biomedical science; Dental clinical issues and practices; General subjects of university education
Distinctive features of a study programme:
Individual training based on small groups of students (7-10 people) and individual work place for practical exercises.
Access to professional activity:
After receiving a diploma, students can continue their studies in specialised residency or work as dentists
Access to further study:
After finishing five year studies, they could work or/and can proceed with studies in speciality residenship.