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Urban and Recreational Forestry

Language of instruction

english, lithuanian, russian

Qualification degree and (or) qualification to be awarded

Master of Agricultural sciences

Place of delivery

K. Donelaičio g. 58, Kaunas

Institution that has carried out assessment

No data

Institution that has performed accreditation, accreditation term

Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras, 1/17/2030

Data provided or updated (date)


Order on accreditation

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Summary of the Profile

Objective(s) of a study programme:
Objective of a study programme is to train urban and recreational forestry masters with the methodological foundations of systems thinking, able to integrate modern scientific theories on assessment of complex situations, for original research methods in support of innovative solutions, strategic insights specialized in urban and rural areas in the forest, green areas, woody vegetation maintenance application at public interest activities, improving the quality of life at changing environmental conditions, responsible conveying professional insights to decision makers and the public, ready for research and innovation grounded professional activities and doctoral studies.
Learning outcomes:
1. The graduate will be able to substantiate the management role, principles and technologies of forest, green area, woody vegetation maintenance and improve people's quality of life in a changing environment.
2. The graduate will be able to apply modern knowledge of management and social science by combining needs of woody plant communities and the public interest.
3. The graduate will be able to solve a complex problem situation in accordance of the latest scientific knowledge in forestry research; will develop innovative solutions, developing new and managing existing forests, lawns and green spaces in urban and rural districts.
4. The graduate will be able to formulate hypotheses, analyse and synthesize research information needed for urban and recreational forestry studies, professional development and innovations.
5. The graduate will be able to evaluate critically and interpret urban and recreational forestry research results, make decisions, assessing alternative solutions
6. The graduate on the basis of existing technologies will be able to apply and develop new technological, methodological, organizational, managerial urban and recreational forestry knowledge, employ innovations in solving contemporary forestry, green area and plantation management problems of urban and rural areas.
7. The graduate will be able to critically analyse control and management strategies of woody plant resources in urban and rural areas, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses, and potential consequences.
8. The graduate will be able to discuss and clearly and convincingly convey the information summarized in forestry, landscape architecture, land use planning and other fields related to forests, green area and plantation development for decision-makers and to the public.
9. The graduate will be able to take responsibility for his subordinates, and the quality of their work, evaluate it, by taking leadership position.
10. The graduate will be ready for self-employment, which can make innovative decisions, conscious moral responsibility for its performance and its impact on the residential environment quality.
11. The graduate will be able to carry out original research independently in topic of urban and recreational forestry.
Activities of teaching and learning:
Contact hours consist of lectures, seminars, workshops, counselling, self-defence of the examination, the thesis defence. Study subject contact work can be done remotely and non-remotely.
Individual student work (learning) consists of preparation for seminars, practical assignments, tests and examinations, individual and group self-tasking, self-research work, papers, and thesis preparation.
Active and innovative learning methods are used in course studies that are focused on student creativity and general and specific competences development: debates, discussions and mind maps, expert method, method of student presentations, work in pairs, group work (team work), case study, individual tasks, solving of the real problems in students' projects, as well as insights into the development of scenarios, professional practice at offices. Lectures are planned so that students are actively involved in them: lectures introduces some performance, part lecture material is replaced by independent readings, students are given to read the material before the lectures, students prepare presentations on several topics, workshops, students are involved in discussions.
Methods of assessment of learning achievements:
The assessment of learning achievements of study subject is an examination. The exams are taken in writing or in oral. Before the examination session, students are required to finish exercises, colloquiums, individual works, team tasks and other individual tasks. 50-60% of the final result is the result of an examination. The other part consists of paper writing, colloquiums, practical works, team works, individual tasks or other individual work evaluation.
Study performance evaluation methods are selected so, that we could verify objectively students' achievements in accordance with the results of study subject, followed by the evaluation criteria. Evaluation methods of study results are: problematic questions, tests, questions requiring short answers, questions to be answered using the open source literature, oral questions, individual presentation, the team (small group) presentation, poster presentation, scientific paper, problematic tasks, laboratory or field work presentation assignments, book reviews.

No specialisations.
Optional courses:
Students will choose 5 subjects (total 30 ECTS). Students will choose four subjects from the study area or the selected subjects of high-level scientific innovation problem (24 ECTS): Environmental Monitoring; Anthropogenic Ecosystems, Nature Management, Sustainable Forest Development, Biodiversity Protection, Biotech at Urban Environments, Invasive Ecology, Environmental Impact Assessment; Modelling Landscape and of Green Areas, Park Design Studio 1, Park Design Studio 2, Ornamental Dendrology, Utility Plants, Forest Social Economy, Economic Evaluation of Forest and Greenery Resources.
Students will choose one subject to study from the student choice of subjects to prepare for doctoral studies (Research Planning and Organizing, Multivariate Statistical Methodology; Research Methodology of Birds and Mammals), or professional development (Profession Educology, Consultation Methodology, Project Management) (6 ECTS).
Distinctive features of a study programme:
University students have the opportunity to study individual subjects abroad under the Erasmus program, the International Silviculture Graduate Program – “Euroforester” (the possibility to gain a dual degree), as well as studies at NOVA, BOVA organized courses.