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Cultural Heritage Studies

Language of instruction


Qualification degree and (or) qualification to be awarded

Master of Humanities
Specialist in heritage conservation

Place of delivery

Vilnius, Universiteto g. 3, LT-01131

Institution that has carried out assessment

No data

Institution that has performed accreditation, accreditation term

Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras, 9/4/2030

Data provided or updated (date)


Order on accreditation

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Summary of the Profile

General Description:
Objective(s) of a study programme:
To prepare qualified specialists who know the traditional and modern notions of heritage, the concepts and methods of heritage conservation, and are also able to work in the areas of administration, conveying and research of cultural heritage (excluding destructive research).
Learning outcomes:
Knowledge of the historic development of heritage and heritage conservation occurrences, classic and modern theories of heritage and heritage conservation, contemporary tendencies of heritage conservation (from a Lithuanian and worldwide perspective); knowledge application – ability to explain heritage processes and provide conceptual and practical suggestions for heritage conservation using the acquired knowledge;
knowledge of the typological variety of heritage, and also both the general principles and principles of separate types of heritage conservation and conveying; knowledge application – ability to recognise (identify) traditional and modern types of heritage and heritage objects and assess them from a heritage conservation perspective, provide suggestions for heritage conservation and its conveying, and critically assess their outcomes;
comprehension of the variety of scientific research of heritage, knowledge of certain research methods and their usage in practice; knowledge application – able to determine the research type for certain heritage conservation tasks (to produce heritage research programmes), to conduct non-destructive research;
knowledge and comprehension of the main Lithuanian and international heritage regulations, knowledge of their usage in practice; knowledge of the structure of Lithuanian and international heritage the legal-administrative system and the aims, areas of activities and specifics of the system’s separate elements.
ability to independently establish themes, hypothesis of scientific fundamental or applied research and determine the required research methods;
ability to conduct heritage research using methods of humanities and other sciences of related areas, collecting, systemising, analysing and commenting on texts, documents, iconography and other sources;
ability to analyse and assess problems of various heritage areas and suggest solutions based on scientific arguments, whilst considering holistic, multi-perspective, interdisciplinary and other principles and the heritage comprehension, interpretation and management problems arising from these principles;
knowledge of heritage conservation ethical obligations, established in the national and international heritage conservation documents and following these obligations in the professional activities;
comprehension and acknowledgment of the variety of heritage, its multi-perspective qualities, an ability to foster and enrich these qualities;
ability to comprehensively convey heritage sphere information to specialist and non-specialist audience;
ability to develop social awareness of history and heritage;
ability to recognise and react to changing social expectations towards heritage and heritage conservation processes and choose adequate heritage conservation strategies;
ability to apply critical, holistic and interdisciplinary thinking, to create new ideas (creativity), to analyse and adequately solve problems.
Activities of teaching and learning:
Lectures; seminars; practice; consultations
Methods of assessment of learning achievements:
Examinations (written and oral); assessment of report and presentations; written papers; practice; project
Study subjects (modules), practical training:
During the first year of studies student have two obligatory modules (24 credits): Legislation and Practice of Cultural Heritage Conservation; Theories of Cultural Heritage Conservation; Theoretical and Didactical Problems of Lithuanian History; Conservation of Immovable Cultural Heritage
The third semester of study is dedicated to practical training (30 credits): Professional Practice (Applied); Scientific Practise: Research Master Seminar. The last fourth semester is dedicated to preparation of Master Thesis (30 credits).
No specialisations
Optional courses:
Every course has 6 credits; students have to take 36 credits per two semesters.
GIS and IT in Cultural Heritage Conservation; Lithuanian History and its Monuments in the 20th c.; Lithuanian Archaeological Heritage. Issues of Investigation and Conservation; Cultural Heritage Communication and Interpretation; Development of Heritage Concept: Theoretical and Practical Aspects; Protection of Architectural and Urban Heritage; Inventorying and Protection of Art Heritage; Economics of Cultural Heritage; Museum in communication between museology and studies of historical culture.
Distinctive features of a study programme:
The Programme emphasises the integrity of theoretical knowledge and practice, cooperation with state heritage conservation institutions, provides more general comprehension of heritage conservation, its theory and practice aspects, considers the practical application of the knowledge solving current heritage conservation problems and implementing current tasks of the heritage conservation system. The Programme aims to prepare heritage conservation specialists who are able to conduct scientific research work (the Programme provides the possibility to develop competences for scientific research work that are sufficient for PhD studies), know the heritage administration system and the problems of heritage conveying, are able to influence the heritage conservation processes and take part in developing social awareness of heritage.
Access to professional activity or further study:
Access to professional activity:
The graduates of the Programme can be employed by state, public and private institutions involved in the administration, conveying, research and expert activity of heritage conservation (e.g. the Cultural Heritage Department of the Ministry of Culture and their local divisions, the Centre of Cultural Heritage, heritage conservation departments of local councils, directorates of cultural reserves, national and regional parks and museums) and other institutions connected to the areas of history, culture politics, cultural tourism, image creation, creative and cultural industries, publicity, publishing and similar. The learning outcomes and developed competences are tailored to these areas of employment. The Programme facilitates the acquiring of knowledge required for the heritage or heritage conservation specialist along with analytical and critical competences. The abilities to research independently, to present the results to the target audiences, to assess the problems of different areas of heritage and provide suggestions based on scientific arguments are emphasised.
Access to further study:
Graduates can continue to study for a Doctor degree in History.