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Accommodation manager

Title in Lithuanian

Apgyvendinimo paslaugų vadybininkas, LTKS VI

State code


Lithuanian national qualifications framework level

Level 6

European qualifications framework level

Level 6

Description update date

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Object of activities: planning and organization of the activities of an accommodation company.
Typical work tools: computer, software, special software for managing the processes of a company providing accommodation services, various databases, means of communication, timesheets and other documents.
Typical working conditions: working indoors, characterized by individual and team work.
Additional information: in its activities, the accommodation manager follows the requirements of occupational safety and health, ergonomics, occupational hygiene, fire safety and environmental protection, Lithuanian Hygiene Standard HN 118: 2011 “Health Safety Requirements for Accommodation Services”, approved by the Minister of Health of the Republic of Lithuania in 2011. January 27 by order no. V-82 “On the Approval of the Lithuanian Hygiene Standard HN 118: 2011“ Health Safety Requirements for Accommodation Services ”, with the requirements for the classification of enterprises providing accommodation services. Qualified individuals will be able to work in the accommodation services sub-sector, as well as work in accordance with their competence in other service business enterprises, their services organization, sales and purchasing, marketing departments.