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Agricultural worker assistant

Title in Lithuanian

Žemės ūkio darbuotojo padėjėjas, LTKS II

State code


Lithuanian national qualifications framework level

Level 2

European qualifications framework level

Level 2

Description update date

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Object of activities: cultivation of agricultural crops, maintenance of farm animals, their feeding, maintenance of premises for keeping farm animals and equipment used.
Typical work tools: agricultural maintenance equipment, equipment for the care of farm animals, etc.
Typical working conditions: work outdoors and indoors, individual and teamwork is characteristic. Additional information: the agricultural worker assistant follows the requirements of occupational safety and health, ergonomics, occupational hygiene, fire safety and environmental protection. He performs the work on the instructions of a higher-skilled employee, supervising the progress and quality of work. Qualified individuals will be able to work as employees on cattle, pig and other farms.
Competences of qualification:
1. Prepare the soil for growing agricultural plants.
2. Sow, plant, care for agricultural crops, harvest and handle it.
3. Grow agricultural crops using intensive technologies.
4. Care for farm animals, feed them.
5. Maintain farm animal housing and equipment used.
6. Prepare farm animals for transportation.