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Aquaculture farm worker

Title in Lithuanian

Akvakultūros ūkio darbuotojas, LTKS IV

State code


Lithuanian national qualifications framework level

Level 4

European qualifications framework level

Level 4

Description update date

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Object of activities: breeding and rearing of fish and other aquatic organisms (crustaceans, molluscs and aquatic plants) in aquaculture ponds, closed aquaculture systems, cages, pens and aviaries.
Typical work tools: personal protective equipment, hydrotechnical equipment, fishery and aquaculture technological equipment, closed aquaculture systems, enclosures, cages and aviaries, fish farming equipment, etc.
Typical working conditions: working outdoors and indoors, characterized by individual and team work.
Additional information: an aquaculture farm worker follows the requirements for the safety and health, ergonomics, occupational hygiene, hygiene of animal foodstuffs, safety and veterinary, fire safety and environmental protection. He / she carries out the activities independently, takes responsibility for the quality of the procedures and results of the activities, makes decisions on the activities, supervises the work of subordinate employees. Qualified individuals will be able to work as employees in fisheries and aquaculture companies, engage in individual aquaculture and maintenance of aquaculture facilities.
Competences of qualification:
1. Carry out aquaculture farm activities.
2. Supervise the production processes of aquaculture products.
3. Breed warm-water and cold-water fish and other aquatic organisms.
4. Cultivate warm and cold water fish and other aquatic organisms.
5. Select feed, feed fish and other aquatic organisms.
6. Maintain fish feeding equipment.
7. Maintain the equipment of closed-loop aquaculture systems.
8. Maintain ponds and their equipment.
9. Maintain fences, aviaries, cages and their equipment.
10. Transport live fish and other aquatic organisms.
11. Maintain equipment for transporting fish and other aquatic organisms.
Competences of the specialization “Organization of recreational fishing”:
1. Organize recreational fishing.
2. Serve participants of recreational fishing.
Competences of the specialization “Management and maintenance of small vessels and fishing boats”:
1. Operate the vessel and the fishing boat.
2. Maintain the equipment of the vessel and the fishing boat.
Competences of the specialization “Preparation, treatment or processing of fish and other aquatic organisms”:
1. Manage fish and other aquatic organisms.
2. Treat and process fish and other aquatic organisms.