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Technical equipment maintenance business worker modular vocational training programme

Qualification to be awarded

Equipment maintenance employee

Required minimum level of education


Profession training standard

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Profession training standard national code

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Certificates issued

Equipment maintenance employee
Vocational education and training diploma, 4101
Qualified worker's Diploma, 4102

Program modules

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Programmes with similar name

Programmes granting same qualifications

Europass Certificate Supplement

Lithuanian Lithuanian English English

Summary of the Profile

The purpose of the programme - to develop the professional background and skills content, able to compete in the labour market employee who is able to make cars, tractors and agricultural machinery maintenance and repair companies, and to organize a private commercial activity. This programme is intended for initial vocational education and training. A person who has acquired the technical supervision of the business qualifications, knows cars, tractors, agricultural machinery and harvesters produced in Lithuania and abroad, structure, operation, maintenance and repair technologies. He will be able to choose the main machinery construction materials, pay them working locksmith, blacksmith, welding, machining methods, grounding machines technical service principles, machinery maintenance and repair shop equipment, appliances, tools and supplies, machinery maintenance intervals. Technical Supervision corporate employee will pay to use the machines safely service equipment, general technical condition assessment stands, diagnostic devices. Having acquired the machinery maintenance personnel qualification can work in public and private machine maintenance and repair services undertakings, agriculture, agro, transport companies and farms or develop their own business venture.