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Waiter and bartender modular vocational training programme

Qualification to be awarded

Waiter, bartender

Required minimum level of education


Profession training standard

Accommodation and food service sector qualifications standard

Profession training standard national code


Certificates issued

Waiter, bartender
Vocational education and training diploma, 4101

Program modules

More about programme

Institutions providing this programme

Programmes with similar name

Programmes granting same qualifications

Europass Certificate Supplement

Lithuanian Lithuanian English English

Summary of the Profile

The purpose of the waiter and bartender curriculum is to prepare skilled waiter and bartender who is able to work in various catering enterprises. This programme is intended for initial vocational education and training. The programme contains 6 compulsory modules: Preparation for guests service; Guests service; Special orders service; Bar preparation and guests service; Organisation of bartender‘s work; Preparation and service of beverages, cocktails, simple cold and hot snacks. Also 3 optional modules: Preparation of dishes; Choosing and serving drinks; Making and serving various flavours coffee. During the evaluation of competences will be evaluated guests service and bartender‘s work competences. Persons who acquired waiter and bartender‘s qualification can work in the catering sphere, also continue their studies by completing higher education study programmes.