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Machinist (precision metal working) modular vocational training programme

Qualification to be awarded

Metal processing machine-tool operator

Required minimum level of education


Profession training standard

No data

Profession training standard national code

No data

Certificates issued

Metal processing machine-tool operator
Vocational education and training diploma, 4101

Program modules

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Institutions providing this programme

Programmes with similar name

Programmes granting same qualifications

Europass Certificate Supplement

Lithuanian Lithuanian English English

Summary of the Profile

Students enrolled in this programme will learn to work with universal and CNC cutting, drilling, turning, grinding, milling and planning machines. Students who successfully complete machinist-training program should be able to perform basic tasks as machinist and work with both universal and CNC machines. Those students who successfully pass the compulsory modules will receive a machinist qualification certificate. This programme is intended for initial vocational education and training.