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Public health management

Language of instruction

english, lithuanian

Qualification degree and (or) qualification to be awarded

Master of Health Sciences

Place of delivery

Kaunas, A. Mickevičiaus g. 9, LT-44307

Institution that has carried out assessment

No data

Institution that has performed accreditation, accreditation term

Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras, 2/12/2031

Data provided or updated (date)


Order on accreditation

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Summary of the Profile

General Description:
Objective(s) of a study programme:
To train specialists for practical, scientific and pedagogical activities in the field of public health management.
Learning outcomes:
After the graduation of the study program graduates are:
• Able to analyse, raise and create modern ideas, new technologies, models, operational plans, critically evaluate theories.
• Able to systematically and creatively apply management and leadership theories and concepts in the management of the health care system and its organizations.
• Analyses and summarizes the data required for scientific and practical activities, using information systems and databases.
• Demonstrates critical analytical thinking skills, is able to argue his opinion with the latest scientific knowledge.
• Able to work in a constantly changing environment, anticipate changes and plan combinations of task solutions.
• Able to analyse and interpret population health and health care indicators, organize and carry out health monitoring and evaluation.
• Able to formulate the strategic goals of the health care system and organizations, foresee the resources and means necessary for their implementation, and ensure the implementation of the chosen strategies.
• Understands the priority directions of health policies and knows how to manage and evaluate the health care system.
• Possesses strategic thinking skills and can effectively lead group activities.
• Able to organize, administer and evaluate the work of a health care institution.
Activities of teaching and learning:
Studies (lectures, seminars, practical classes) can be organized in a mixed way: contact in classrooms and online. Various forms of teaching/learning are used: traditional lecture, seminar, group work, individual work, discussion, interactive lecture, flipped classroom, etc.
Methods of student achievement assessment:
Cumulative assessment is applied - study results are assessed through intermediate assessments (project, individual work, test, etc.). The final grade of the subject is obtained by summing up the grades obtained from the mid-term assessments and the final test/exam. The study program ends with the defense of the Master's thesis.
Study subjects (modules), practical training:
Public Health and Health Care, Management and Organizational Governance, Health Ethics, Communication Psychology and Human Relations, Health Policy and Strategy, Research Work Organisation, Health Impact Assessment, Leadership and Management of Changes, Applied Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Qualitative Research Methods, Health Information Management, Health Economics and Applied Finances, Health Law, Health Care Organization Practice, Master Thesis.
Optional courses:
Artificial Intelligence Systems Compliance Management in Healthcare, Services Marketing, Patient Safety and Risk Management, Entrepreneurship in Biomedicine.
Distinctive features of a study programme:
The Public Health Management program is the only one in Lithuania that integrates public health and management science and studies. The studies are intended for those planning a career in the field of public and personal health care management: health management specialists are trained for practical, scientific work and academic activities. Students have a unique opportunity to study in the double degree study program at the Maastricht University program Governance and Leadership in European Public Health and to obtain diplomas from the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and Maastricht University during the same study period.
Access to professional activity or further study:
Access to professional activity:
Graduates of this study program can work in various levels of health system management structures (ministries, municipal health services, etc.), personal and public health care and social welfare institutions, sickness funds, health insurance companies, family doctor teams (as a group manager), international organizations and other areas related to public health and its management.
Access to further study:
After completing the study program, graduates can choose a scientific or academic work career, and continue their studies at PhD studies.