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Printing technician operator modular vocational training programme

Qualification to be awarded

Printing technician

Required minimum level of education


Profession training standard

Publishing, media and advertising sector qualifications standard

Profession training standard national code


Certificates issued

Printing technician
Vocational education and training diploma, 4101
Qualified worker's Diploma, 4102

Program modules

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Programmes with similar name

Programmes granting same qualifications

Europass Certificate Supplement

Lithuanian Lithuanian English English

Summary of the Profile

The printing technician operator modular vocational training programme is designed to prepare a qualified printing technician who would be able to independently perform preparatory printing works, print editions of publications and ensure quality. A person who has acquired the qualification of a printing technician will be able to work in printing houses, their divisions, companies supplying printing materials and equipment, and companies manufacturing advertising products. Typical work equipment of a printing technician: printing machine, printing materials, technical documentation of work tasks and production process, instrumental technological measurement equipment, etc. Typical working conditions: working indoors; microclimate in the printing house premises (air temperature, humidity), their ventilation, conditioning. The printing technician follows the requirements of occupational safety and health, ergonomics, occupational hygiene, fire safety and environmental protection.