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Oven builder assistant

Title in Lithuanian

Krosnininko padėjėjas, LTKS III

State code


Lithuanian national qualifications framework level

Level 3

European qualifications framework level

Level 3

Description update date

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Object of activities: installation and repair of solid fuel heating installations (except boilers).
Typical work tools: personal protective equipment, masonry tools, brick and stone cutting tools and equipment, mortar preparation tools, equipment and inventory, mortar materials, measuring instruments, etc
Typical working conditions: activities involve meticulous, hard manual physical work, usually done indoors.
Additional information: the oven builder assistant in its activities is guided by the requirements of occupational safety and health, ergonomics, occupational hygiene, fire safety, environmental protection, and sustainable construction. The following personal qualities are important to him: thoroughness, concentration of attention, body coordination, physical endurance. The oven builder assistant performs the work according to his / her competencies and is responsible for the quality of the work performed. The oven builder assistant is able to plan his activities according to the given tasks, with the help of a highly qualified employee adapts to the variety of activities, materials and tools, performs various operational actions and operations, applying known and tested solutions, using drawings, specifications and verbal information. After obtaining this qualification, persons may work in companies that carry out the installation of heating systems or carry out individual activities together with a higher-qualified furnace.
Competences of qualification:
1. Store materials, products and equipment necessary for building and installation of solid fuel heat release appliances (except boilers).
2. Prepare and put in order oven builder‘s work place.
3. Read construction work project.
4. Build structures from brick.
5. Build solid fuel heat release appliances (except boilers) from brick following instructions.
6. Perform repair work of solid fuel heat release appliances (except boilers) built from brick following instructions.
7. Build solid fuel heat release appliances (except boilers) and chimneys from pre-fabricated elements following instructions.
8. Install chimneys from pre-fabricated elements.
9. Perform repair work of pre-fabricated solid fuel heat release appliances (except boilers) and chimneys according to the instructions.