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Inclusive Education: Socio-Educational Industries

Language of instruction

english, lithuanian

Qualification degree and (or) qualification to be awarded

Master of Education Sciences

Place of delivery

Kaunas, K. Donelaičio g. 58, LT-44248

Institution that has carried out assessment

Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras

Institution that has performed accreditation, accreditation term

Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras, 8/31/2022

Data provided or updated (date)


Order on accreditation

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Summary of the Profile

General description:
Aim(s) of the study programme:
To train highly-qualified specialists of inclusive education that are able to render integral support in the field of socio-educational industries: working in multi-functional support groups, applying special educational and compensation measures, initiating and implementing activities of positive socialisation directed at complex support (for the family, community and social groups), enhancing efficiency of the participation of persons with special educational needs in all levels of education, as well as promoting a person’s quality empowerment and social clustering of public, private, civic and academic sectors.
Outcomes of the study programme:
A graduate will be able to identify, evaluate and apply the main European and Lithuanian theories of active social inclusion implementing the ideas of universal design and designing socio-educational models and methodologies.
A graduate will be aware of the diversity of personal needs, educational, ethic, social and cultural contexts, compensation techniques, alternative and augmented communication means and their application, and will be able to interpret them on the basis of applied scientific knowledge in professional decision-making.
A graduate will apply qualitative and quantitative methods of empirical research when modelling innovative measures of educational support and socio-educational situations of crisis management and personal empowerment.
Employing the measures that aim at complex problem-solving, a graduate will create scenarios of integrated social support and crisis management meant for target social groups and institutions that meet a person’s need for complex support.
A graduate will model educational support by identifying a person’s special (self-) educational needs, their character and extent, developing universal educational settings in different educational contexts, as well as by promoting accessibility to education and its efficiency for every learner.
A graduate will employ public spaces of the community to attain socio-cultural and educational aims by creatively applying multi-functional, multi-criterion and multi-sector principles of smart education and integrated support, as well as analysing and developing theoretical and practical models of educational and integral aid and personalised support.
A graduate will be able to model and present (communicate) integral support methods and tools in new settings seeking for a person’s empowerment and crisis management and applying the principles of positive communication.
A graduate will be able to professionally communicate and act in an interdisciplinary group of specialists, and explain own assumptions, professional decisions, actions, aspirations, and intended outcomes to a group of outsiders.
A graduate will constantly deepen and update the acquired knowledge and develop the gained skills in the context of lifelong learning, referring to latest scientific research, as well as integrating and organising an interdisciplinary team for the implementation of integral support strategies.
A graduate will be able to reflect own professional experience and evaluate its results, to take constant interest in the advancements of educational science, as well as to purposefully and autonomously plan the prospects of further learning and development.
Assessment methods of study outcomes:
Cumulative assessment is applied to assess knowledge and abilities. The studies of every study subject are completed with a final examination (E), evaluation of self-dependent work, self-dependent creative project and defence (D). The final mark is composed of the outlined constituent parts of the cumulative score (for active participation, interim accounts, self-dependent work, and examination / defence).
Programme structure:
Study subjects (modules), practice:
Study subjects established by the university and elective study subects:
(30 ECTS):
- University-established studies 18 ECTS
- Elective study subjects 12 ECTS
Specialisation studies 90 ECTS
Specialisation study subjects established by the university 54 ECTS
Scientific exploratory practice 6 ECTS
Final thesis in the specialisation field 30 ECTS
Specialisations determined by the university
Social education in the settings of multi-functional design
Special education in the context of educational inclusion
Distinctive features of the Study Programme: the Programme is directed at training highly-qualified specialists of educational support, who have mastered one of the following specialisations: social education in the settings of multi-functional design, or special education in the context of educational inclusion. The specialists will be able to render integral support under the conditions of inclusion by promoting social communication between public, private, civic and academic sectors in the wider field of social innovations.
Opportunities for professional activity and further studies:
Opportunities for professional activity: a graduate will be able to apply for the position of a special pedagogue or social pedagogue in different types of general education schools, pre-school and pre-primary education institutions, in institutions rendering pedagogical and psychological services, open youth spaces and centres, multi-functional centres, community care homes, day centres, and non-governmental organisations. A graduate will be able to render complex educational support and perform case management for a person, educational institution and family at institutions of different levels (institutions subordinate to a municipality, the Seimas or the Government).
Opportunities for further studies:
Upon the completion of the Study Programme and acquisition of the Master’s degree, graduates can to continue their education in Doctoral Studies.