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Defense Resourse Management

Language of instruction

english, lithuanian

Qualification degree and (or) qualification to be awarded

Master of Public Administration

Place of delivery

Vilnius, Šilo g. 5A, LT-10322

Institution that has carried out assessment

Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras

Institution that has performed accreditation, accreditation term

Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras, 1/22/2030

Data provided or updated (date)


Order on accreditation

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Summary of the Profile

General Description:

Objective(s) of a study programme:

To train officers and civil servants capable of synthesising the continuously renewable knowledge of management science and practical skills to critically analyse and evaluate the system of material, human and information resources required for the country’s defence and to plan and implement decisions ensuring the proper functioning of this system, based on the principles of shared responsibility, sustainability and international cooperation, in times of peace crises and war.

Learning outcomes:

Knowledge and its application

Knows and applies in his/her professional activities the latest research-based resources management measures, ensuring the least negative impact on the environment, society and the national economy.

Ability to conduct research

Is able to analyse and critically assess the system of resources required for the defence of the country and to make decisions that allow for the development of alternative versions of this system in times of peace, crises and war.

Special skills

Is able to applies the knowledge acquired and, on the basis of that knowledge, to select appropriate innovative measures to ensure the appropriate use of defence resources for the effective organisation of mobilisation and the organisation of Host Nation Support (HNS).

Social skills

Is able to communicate clearly and reasonably the information needed to implement Management of Defence Resources decisions in a multicultural environment, to work individually and as part of a team, to take responsibility for the quality of his/her own and his/her team’s performance, and to assume a leadership role.

Personal skills

Is able to develop independently in his/her professional field, using the latest research knowledge, and to take innovative decisions based on systematic and critical thinking, understanding the impact of these decisions on the country’s armed forces, society and the environment.

Activities of teaching and learning:

The program is based on student-centered learning based on research-based learning. During lectures, discussions, seminars, consultations and self-study, students examine the problems of the various defence categories and the categories of resources required for the functioning of the defence system and their acquisition by applying fundamental theories, concepts and methodologies of management science. Lectures, discussions, exercises and seminars involve a variety of active approaches (discussions, presentations, practical solutions, surveys, writing works), used audiovisual material, arrays of statistical data, working in groups. During the sightseeing tours, practitioners get acquainted with the objects forming the defence system, their functioning, and the activities of the authorities responsible for the functioning of these objects (defence resource management processes).

Methods of assessment of learning achievements:

The evaluation of the results of the study involves: tests, closed and open questionnaires, presentations, essay, problem solving tasks, project preparation.


Study subjects (modules), practical training:

The study program consists of 90 ECTS (10 study subjects), the program is carried out 4 semesters, the duration of the program is 2 years. The subjects of the study field comprise 60 ECTS (20 ECTS

for each of the 3 semesters during the first 1,5 year). Additionally, 30 ECTS are allocated for the Master's thesis.



Optional courses:


Distinctive features of a study programme:

During the study, students examine the strategic and theoretical aspects of defence resource management, acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for the acquisition of solutions to these resources in a multicultural environment in the event of peace, crisis and war, which ensures effective use of limited national resources and the implementation of a sustainable development strategy.

Access to professional activity or further study:

Access to professional activity:

Graduates could continue their work in the Lithuanian Armed Forces, the Armed Forces System or other public institutions, in the private business sector.

Access to further study:

The graduates are eligible for PhD studies in Lithuanian and foreign universities.