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Cosmetician modular vocational training programme

Required minimum level of education


Certificates issued

Vocational education and training diploma, 4101
Qualified worker's Diploma, 4102
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Europass Certificate Supplement

Lithuanian Lithuanian English English

Summary of the Profile

The cosmetician modular vocational training programme is intended for the preparation of a qualified cosmetician who is able to perform non-invasive procedures of facial and body skin care as well as hand and foot skin and nail care, apply make-up and perform depilation. The programme consists of six obligatory modules: facial skin care, body skin care, performing non-invasive facial and body skin care procedures with technical equipment, applying make-up, hand and foot care, depilation. Additionally, there are five optional modules: nail art, artificial nail extension, body painting, lash extension, management of beauty service establishments. Modular programmes include both theoretical and practical learning. During the assessment process, the following competences are assessed: to be able to evaluate the state of facial skin and to select appropriate procedures; to perform non-invasive facial skin care procedures without technical equipment; to evaluate the state of body skin and to select appropriate body skin care procedures; to perform non-invasive body skin care procedures without technical equipment; to evaluate the state of facial and body skin before procedures with technical equipment; to select non-invasive procedures with technical equipment; to perform non-invasive procedures with technical equipment; to evaluate the state of facial skin and select appropriate make-up materials; to apply make-up; to evaluate the state of hand and foot skin and nails and to select appropriate procedures for the care of hand and foot skin and nails; to perform non-invasive hand and foot healthy skin procedures; to perform manicure; to perform pedicure; to evaluate the state of facial and body skin before performing depilation and to select appropriate cosmetic materials and the procedure of hair removal; to perform depilation; evaluate nail condition and choose tools for nail art; do nail art; evaluate nail condition and select tools, technologies for artificial nail extension; extend artificial nails; evaluate skin condition of a body before performing body painting and select tools for body painting; perform body painting; evaluate the condition of the eyelashes and choose the tools to extend the eyelashes; extend eyelashes; evaluate the beauty service environment; organize beauty service activities. The acquisition of other types of knowledge and competences is assessed through various types of understanding shown after finishing the program. After the successful completion of this programme, a student may continue studying at institutions of further education in the fields of healthcare education or technological sciences.