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Bricklayer master

Title in Lithuanian

Mūrininkas meistras, LTKS V

State code


Lithuanian national qualifications framework level

Level 5

European qualifications framework level

Level 5

Description update date

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Object of activities: masonry of building structures, installation and concreting of elements necessary for masonry structures, masonry repair.
Typical work tools: personal protective equipment, hand tools and mechanisms for spreading mortar, grooving, bricks and other artificial or natural stones, breaking and similar, digital devices for checking horizontal and vertical, linear measuring devices, mortar preparation equipment, tools and inventory, rescue equipment, elevation measures, etc.
Typical working conditions: activities involving heavy manual work; works on open construction sites and indoors, in various weather conditions, has to work with lifting mechanisms, as well as at height. Due to the specifics of the work, the worker is provided with special clothing.
Additional information: in its activities, the bricklayer master is guided by the requirements of occupational safety and health, ergonomics, occupational hygiene, fire safety, environmental protection, documents regulating masonry work and the principles of sustainable construction. The bricklayer master works individually and in a group. The following personal qualities are important to him: thoroughness, concentration of attention, body coordination, physical endurance, ability to work in a team. The bricklayer master works independently, according to drawings, performs complex tasks assigned to him, organizes the work of his subordinate, lower-skilled small group (brigade) employees, independently chooses ways and means of solving tasks, makes decisions in atypical, project-undetermined situations, improves work methods, technologies, trains lower qualified employees, evaluates their competencies. After obtaining this qualification, individuals will be able to work in construction companies or carry out individual activities.
Competences of qualification:
1. Organize the preparation and arrangement of the bricklayer’s work place.
2. Read the construction work project.
3. Organize masonry work.
4. Organize masonry repair works.
5. Organize the assembling of masonry structure constructions.
6. Organize masonry structure concrete laying works.
7. Organize and supervise the work of lower qualification bricklayers.
8. Train lower qualification bricklayers and assess their competencies.
9. Make contingency decisions.