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Interior decorator modular vocational training programme

Qualification to be awarded

Interior decorator

Required minimum level of education


Profession training standard

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Profession training standard national code

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Certificates issued

Interior decorator
Vocational education and training diploma, 4101
Qualified worker's Diploma, 4102

Program modules

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Europass Certificate Supplement

Lithuanian Lithuanian English English

Summary of the Profile

The purpose of the program: to prepare skilled worker, who would be capable to prepare a sketch/outline of the interior designs. to create public and residential areas utility projects with computer programs and to implement them; to produce and apply decorative elements in the interior, to select interior design materials, to safely perform interior surface design and artistic decoration, to use professional literature, manual, catalogues, informational tools and technologies in native and foreign languages, student will be able to apply economics, business, work safety, higiene and enviroment protection knowledge in his/her activities. There are 11 compulsory modules in the program: an introduction to the profession of the interior designer, designing-decorating technologies, composition of interior elements, interior design, project visualization, production of interior details and accessories, designing of public utility premises, designing of residential premises, decoration of the interior, decocation of exhibition aread, introduction to labor market. Also- 4 optional modules. Theoretical and practical teaching is provided in the programs of the modules.
The following competentions are evaluated during the evaluation of the acquired qualification of the person:
to manage (to use) design-decorating technologies; to chose and compose the elements of the interior; to design interiors with the help of computer programs; to perform visualization of the project; to produce interior details and accessories; to prepare simple public utility premise projects; to prepare simple residential premise projects; to prepare interior design projects; to design and decorate exhibition areas. Acquiring of other competences is evaluated on the grounds of acquired information and comprehension. After acquiring interior designer qualification, students will be able to integrate into the salon business or to establish an individual company of interior design. The completion of this program allows the ability to pursue tertiary education in related fields; interior designer, interior and furniture designer, designer, architect of the interior etc.