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Engineering Systems of Buildings

Language of instruction


Qualification degree and (or) qualification to be awarded

Professional Bachelor of Engineering Sciences

Place of delivery

Vilnius, Saltoniškių g. 58-1, LT-08106

Institution that has carried out assessment

No data

Institution that has performed accreditation, accreditation term

Studijų kokybės vertinimo centras, 5/31/2029

Data provided or updated (date)


Order on accreditation

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Summary of the Profile

General Description:
Objective(s) of the study programme:
The aim of the programme is to prepare a specialist who is competitive on the labour market, is good at assembling technologies of engineering systems and is able to choose the most efficient structural solutions, to prepare and digitalise projects for engineering systems, to organise and perform supervision of engineering systems.
Knowledge and its application:
Will know general regularities and laws of natural sciences and mathematics in order to understand the fundamental basics of civil engineering study field;
Will know the most important concepts of civil engineering study field, will be able to understand their content and problems and to solve them creatively, applying suitable methods;
Will have the main knowledge in civil engineering that is important while working practically;
Will know the problems context and their solution of adjacent study fields.
Competences to carry out research:
Will be able to find proper professional information using data bases and other scientific and engineering information resources;
Will be able to carry out proper applied research for solving engineering tasks, process their results and present practical conclusions of these results;
Will have skills to operate the equipment used in the field of Civil Engineering.
Special skills:
Will be able to apply engineering knowledge and understanding while formulating and accomplishing design tasks according to design methods and defined requirements;
Will have knowledge and skills of BIM;
Will be able to apply his/her knowledge and understanding while analysing tasks and problems in the field of Civil Engineering, will apply appropriate methods and equipment creatively;
Will be able to select engineering decisions , means and equipment for their implementation;
Will be able to combine theoretical and applied knowledge while solving engineering problems in the sector of construction;
Will understand ethical, environmental and commercial considerations of engineering activity;
Will understand operational principles of engineering activity, will know the main requirements for human and fire safety;
Social skills:
Will be able to understand the impact of engineering solutions on society and environment, comply with professional ethics and standards of engineering;
Will be able to solve engineering challenges in a team, communicate with colleagues and experts in related fields, the general public, be a leader, defend their position argumentatively.
Personal skills:
Will be able to deal with engineering tasks individually and will understand their impact on society and environment, will be able to plan their work and time, will obey the norms of professional ethics;
Will be aware of the main aspects for project implementation and management on the level of engineering activities;
Will have knowledge and skills of BIM
Will comprehend the importance of individual lifelong learning and will prepare for it.
Activities of teaching and learning:
Lectures, consultations, practical tasks and course papers, individual work, practices of professional activities. Students accomplish practical tasks individually or in groups.
Methods of assessment of learning outcomes:
The student‘s knowledge, skills and abilities acquired while studying subjects of a study programme are assessed after completing of individual assignments performed during the semester and exam session. The achieved learning outcomes after completion of a subject/module studies are assessed attributing them to the levels of achievement: excellent, typical and threshold.
Study subjects (modules), practical training:
General College Study Subjects:
Professional Language, Foreign Language, Alternatively Optional Subjects (Sociology, Psychology, Sustainable Development), Sustainable Environment and Human Safety.
Subjects of the Study Field:
Mathematics, Applied Physics, Engineering and Computer Aided Graphics, Applied Mechanics, Structures and Materials, Engineering Geodesy (Practice included), Heating of Buildings, Gas Supply, Building Information Modeling, Applied Research, Water Management of Buildings, Joint Semester Project, Construction Economics, Renewable Energy Sources, Project Management, Management and Maitenance of Engineering Systems, Installation of Engineering Systems, Ventilation of Buildings.
Special Study Subjects:
Law, Optional Subjects (Responsible Innovations, Personnel Management, Efficiency of Energy Consuming, Business English, Biosphere Protection, Document Management - selected three of them), Final Project.
Introduction Practice, Practice of Structures Design, Industrial Technological Practice, Final Practice.
Completion of Studies:
Studies are completed by defending the Final work individually prepared by a student.
Distinctive features of a study programme:
Programme is oriented towards applying installation technologies of engineering systems of buildings (heating, water management, ventilation), a student has knowledge in project preparation for engineering systems, controlling technological processes, organising and implementing the maintenance of engineering systems.
Access to professional activity or further study:
The obtained qualification provides possibility to perform work of personal responsibility in various areas of civil engineering in order to choose appropriate structural decisions and technologies for assembling engineering systems, to make and digitalise projects of engineering systems of buildings, to organise and perform supervision of those systems. With the Professional Bachelor's qualification degree in Engineering sciences, a person is able to work in state and private enterprises in civil engineering, establish his/her private business and seek for the higher level of academic education.