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Animal care specialist modular training programme

Qualification to be awarded

Animal care specialist

Required minimum level of education


Profession training standard

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Profession training standard national code

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Certificates issued

Animal care specialist
Vocational education and training diploma, 4101
Qualified worker's Diploma, 4102

Program modules

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Europass Certificate Supplement

Lithuanian Lithuanian English English

Summary of the Profile

Modular animal care specialist vocational training programme designed to prepare qualified, relevant to labor market requirements for animal care specialists capable of providing pet care services at home, animal care facilities, veterinary practices, pet hotels and commercial establishments, and animal care and welfare, shows animal care services. The programme contains 8 compulsory modules: Animal keeping legal regulations; Dog breeding; Cat breeding; Exotic Animal Care; Animal care and well-being; Events with service cats; Events with service dogs; Dog training. Also 2 optional modules: Animal Grooming; Animal fur trimming.
Modular programs shall provide theoretical and practical training. The assessments of the personal skills and competences: use of animal housing empowered regulations, cultivation and care of the dogs and cats to animal care and welfare services to serve pet events, to train the dogs. Other competency evaluation acquisition of knowledge and understanding, upon completion of the module program. This programme is intended for initial vocational education and training.