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AIKOS testai: Profesijos pasirinkimo
This page allows you to use a document for e-learning. You can assign the document to yourself or to someone else. When you assign a document to someone else, you can specify a SharePoint site where the assignment will appear, and choose members of that site to be instructors or learners.

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The document library (AIKOS testai) does not have versioning turned on or the number of versions is limited. Editing this learning resource after you assign it could cause unpredictable results.
Profesijos pasirinkimo testas mokiniams
Renkantis profesiją, svarbu atsižvelgti į žmogaus interesus ir polinkius. Polinkį apibūdina teigiama vidinė motyvacija veiklai. Psichologinį polinkių pagrindą sudaro pastovūs asmens veiklos poreikiai, t.y. būsena, kai žmogų domina ne tik rezultatas, bet pats veiklos procesas, darbo objektas.
What would you like to do with this document?
Use it myselfAssign this learning resource to yourself. The assignment will appear with all your other assignments.
Assign it to someone elseChoose the site where you'd like to assign this learning resource: